
Livestock SA is on the hunt to fill vacant board positions

Sheep Central July 2, 2015

LivestockSALIVESTOCK SA is calling for producers to nominate for five vacant board member positions.

Board members whose two-year terms expire in August include president Geoff Power, vice-president Jack England, Alexander MacLachlan, Richard Halliday and Andy Withers, all of whom have the option to re-apply.

Continuing members include Penny Schulz, Andrew Clarke, Joe Keynes, Bill Nosworthy and Steve Radeski.

To nominate, producers must complete the nomination form on Livestock SA’s website and submit it before the closing date of Thursday, July 16, at 5pm.

Successful candidates will be announced at Livestock SA’s annual general meeting on Friday, August 28, at Roseworthy, held in conjunction with the AWI Wool Producers Forum.

Livestock SA chief executive officer Deane Crabb said producers must be Livestock SA members to be eligible for nomination.

If more nominations are received than positions available, Livestock SA members will be able to vote by postal ballot. More information on the need for a vote will be available once nominations have been received.

“The commitment of board member includes quarterly board meetings in Adelaide and potential to represent Livestock SA on the peak councils which the organisation is involved with, such as Cattle Council of Australia, Sheepmeat Council of Australia and WoolProducers Australia,” he said.

Nomination forms are available at or by contacting the Livestock SA office. Forms must be returned to Livestock SA by either email: [email protected], phone: 08 8297 2299 or fax: 08 8293 8886

Source: Livestock SA.


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