
Livestock SA establishes its sheep traceability steering committee

Sheep Central August 3, 2022

LIVESTOCK SA has established a whole-of-industry Sheep Traceability Steering Committee to assess the benefits, risks and costs of implementing a mandatory electronic identification system for sheep and goats in the state.

The committee will advise and support Livestock SA to make sure any changes to sheep and goat traceability systems are appropriate and best suited to the state’s needs as assessed by industry.

Livestock SA chief executive officer Travis Tobin said the group represented a broad cross-section of industry, following a call for expressions of interest in July.

“Strong enquiry from across industry has enabled the Livestock SA Board to appoint a diverse committee which will help to inform future industry and government decision-making on what will be required to effectively implement an EID system for sheep and goats in South Australia,” he said.

The members of the steering committee are independent chair Peter Treloar, Colin Trengove (vet and consultant), Liz Summerville (Australian Livestock and Property Agents), Duan Williams (producer), Ian O’Loan (National Saleyard Quality Assurance), Naracoorte Livestock Exchange manager Rebecca Barry, Anne Collins (consultant, producer) Mark Inglis (Thomas Foods International), John Falkenhagen (goat producer and Goat Industry Council of Australia), Allan Piggott (Livestock SA and Sheep Producers Australia), Glen Tilley (Livestock SA and Wool Producers Australia), Petra Lennon (PIRSA) and Tara Vandeleur (PIRSA).

Mr Tobin said the next step in the process will be to engage a consultant who will prepare a business case outlining the requirements for implementing an eID system for sheep and goats in SA to be considered by the Steering Committee.

“Livestock SA has held the view for some time that it was inevitable sheep EID would become mandatory,” he said.

“Increased biosecurity threats at Australia’s doorstep with Lumpy Skin Disease and Foot and Mouth Disease in Indonesia have highlighted the importance of having world’s best livestock traceability systems in place, which means being able to identify individual animals quickly and accurately.

“Implementing mandatory EID for sheep and goats will require proper planning and infrastructure upgrades, both of which will require government co-investment for industry rollout given the economic and jobs generation by the industry.”

The Livestock SA-led project is being funded by the Sheep Industry Fund and the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.

Source: Livestock SA.


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