ABC’s Kerry Lonergan at Longreach Stockman’s Hall of Fame after being inducted into the Rural Journalism Hall of Fame in 2015.
A PERMANENT fixture on ABC’s flagship national rural weekly TV program Landline for three decades, markets analyst Kerry Lonergan, had his contract terminated suddenly by the national public broadcaster on November 10.
In its explanation of the decision, ABC management simply said it ‘wished to move in a new direction.’
The announcement was followed by an avalanche of support for Mr Lonergan across social media and other channels ranging from politicians and industry heavyweights to grassroots primary producers.
Kerry Lonergan has been a familiar, trusted and authoritative face and voice in lounge rooms across country Australia each Sunday since 1991.
He was the founder and inaugural executive producer of Landline which started in March, 1991, replacing the earlier Countrywide program hosted by Neil Inall. After a health scare, he resigned as executive producer ten years ago, returning to the program in a part-time role as specialist commodities analyst. He came originally out of ABC’s Current Affairs Department in Sydney, but had a natural empathy, connection and affection for bush people which was clearly reflected in his broadcasting.
ABC Landline is due to mark its thirtieth anniversary in March next year, and at this point, it looks unlikely that Mr Lonergan will take part in any program marking the occasion. Beef Central understands he was due to retire around the same time.
Recognising his years of service, Mr Lonergan was inducted into the Queensland Rural Press Club’s Rural Journalism Hall of Fame in 2015.
Mr Lonergan declined to comment for this item.
Typical of this woke politically correct ABC of today. Kerry Lonergan has been a mainstay of Landline from day one and deserves a lot of credit and respect.
re lupin flour 29th inst
A great story. Once again, your’s is the first mention I have seen on this topic. Thank you!
Two points that you might include when topics, similar in type to this one, are being presented are (1) how can the producer be contacted, and (2) for edible products, recipes to trial them, or sources for recipes.
I have been an ABC fan for over 80 years. I remember listening to ‘The Lawsons’ in the 1940’s and other radio programmes that followed in later years. I hope to be around for a few more years.
Thank you all for what you have done for your listeners and viewers. My kindest regards, Warren
Whoever replaced Kerry Lonergan has great difficulty in speaking the Queen’s English; providing instead a mangled form of what is perceived to be trendy and woke. For example “prices fetched up”.
Hear hear, well said. The ABC board had failed to realize just how popular Mr Lonergan was with regional viewers as he does speaks their language. Regards, Bill.
He was a precious asset to Australian journalism. Unfortunately, when your use-by date is up, that’s it. It will happen to the people that axed him as well.
Landline need to be connected to the producers of our produce, innovations in areas of supply and change. It is not a travel guide but an educational tool for city people about food production and country people about innovation change and advancement. Please don’t turn it into a social media lifestyle, or social experiment. Enough rubbish reality on TV as it is.
I am becoming more and more disappointed with the ABC. The sacking of Kerry Lonergan is the final straw.
Landline has lost its way and gone ‘woke’. I no longer watch it. Axing Kerry Lonergan was the last nail in the coffin for me.
Landline has drifted away from its roots and morphed into a magazine-type format.
For instance, today to fill in air time they included a segment on the gold rush
around Bendigo.
ABC rural programming once had a role in educating farmers, now it seems its role is to entertain the kids.
Why then does the bloke every week say: “Keep it rural?”
Another regular face bites the dust, and so mean spirited not to let him see out the big 50. I see no reason to celebrate 90 years of ABC.
Much as I hate the commercial channels, I find myself switching from ABC more and more. It is killing itself, and may well end up with little public support and no public funding.
Wake up ABC.
How disappointing to discover that yet another regular face, the talented Kerry Lonergan had been removed from Landline. He will be sorely missed, with his straight presentation approach and informative segments enjoyed over many years when he has presented the face of rural Australia on Landline at a time of informative, rural focus. However, it seems this has been lost in recent years since new management and board was installed, following micro-management from this current government. Along with Kerry, many other high-grade experienced reporters and journalists have disappeared, along with many programs such as Landline, that now are little more than superficial, slick, glossy programs, selling big business agendas or pretentious people pushing their products. An example Landline’s Chinese-owned wineries and prime beef export sales, such that Australia as a producer is no longer a major focus. Sadly, many other programs such as Gardening Australia have met with the same fate.
When is ABC going to take some notice of viewers’ dissatisfaction regarding the changes that have occurred to the ABC? Removing the experienced and installing inarticulate novices? Programs like Troppo and other dystopian rubbish and repeats… and repeats.. and more repeats…
Kerry resonated each week, from Wellington to Wallington, Oaklands to Oatlands and Moree to Marree.
He knew us, we knew him and he never had to say “keep it rural”.
Goodbye and best wishes Kerry. Our sincere apologies that “our ABC” treated you so cruelly.
Just wanted to say this: I have been watching Landline for years and enjoy it very much. Pip and everyone do a great job. After the break, it was very very disappointing to read that Kerry was no longer doing his informative analysis in his unique and informative style. I miss that very much, and him. Big mistake ABC. Having said that, keep up the great program. 🙏
Being the son of a farmer from the Hunter Valley I think Kerry Lonergon did a very good presentation and his axing is in line with I would expect from today’s ABC. As was the case with the resignation of Kerry O’Brien, the wrong people are running the tax payer-funded organisation. I am a fifth generation straight Anglo Saxon male who served 20 years in the military, so these comments won’t be of any interest at all to you public servants in the cushy unbalanced news outlet.
Amazing number of comments – and still continuing over the months – in appreciation for Kerry’s contribution to Landline. And no comment from the ABC over his untimely and unnecessary departure. Our ABC?
Yes, definitely something sad about Kerry’s going, especially if he was sacked. He was for so long an integral part of one of my favourite programs. I miss his market reports, even though they had little relevance to my life and lifestyle, except for what we pay at the butcher. I think it is really his craggy looks and sometimes gravelly voice that was part of the weekly Landline experience that I miss most. I will still watching the ABC and, of course, Landline. The alternatives are unthinkable.
So disappointing to see Kerry Lonergan moved in. I have been watching his reports on Landline since it started. His pleasant voice was part of the program and always drew me to watch. I feel something important has now left the program and with it my interest. I think it will be part of the demise of the show. I think the ABC might think everyone has a “use by” date, which makes it no different to other channels, that I seldom watch. Thanks for everything Kerry. Graham B.
Some years ago now I was an agribusiness lender for one of the major banks in central New South Wales.
The viewing of Kerry Lonergan’s segment with “rural commentary and market price updates” was compulsory viewing. I am retired now, but very much miss that coverage that was delivered in fine style.
I kept thinking: “Kerry will come back”, but I have to accept now that the troglodytes have won and another voice of reason has been snuffed out. I no longer enjoy Landline and rarely watch it. Kerry you may rest assured that your audience loved and respected you. I cannot say the same for the ABC.
Fond wishes
Kerry was my favourite presenter, knowledgeable, professional, courageous and willing to step out of the known with humour and intellect. I miss you Kerry and Landline now has lost significance for me.
Shame on the ABC. How could you live with yourselves? You who made the decision to axe Kerry Lonergan. Landline will never be the same.
I enjoyed Kerry’s input for many years and sorry to see you go in such a cowardly ABC way. I wish you well Kerry.
Sliding inexorably to the Left, my once-favoured TV show has lost me completely with the unceremonious dumping of Kerry Lonergan.
Summed it up perfectly. Landline has drifted so far to the Left, just like the entire ABC.
Thanks Kerry, for many years of Landline. I’m sorry ABC gave you the shove. You deserved a big send-off after your contribution and I would have enjoyed a show combining your retirement with the anniversary. I suspect you stood on someone’s toes and paid the price. So will the ABC.
Please enjoy your retirement – and thanks again. I’ll still watch my favourite TV show – with fond memories of your segment. Hope the new bloke survives.
Sooooooooooooooo sad.
I’m feeling sorry for Kerry as he was a real icon of Australian TV.
I don’t watch the ABC anymore, it’s far too Left for me. It’s really sad that they don’t cater for all Australians who fund them.
Apparently Kerry Lonergan was not politically correct enough for ‘Aunty’ and did not fit its lefty agenda.
Landline is definitely not the same without Kerry’s gravelly tones.
So sorry to hear that Kerry has been sacked. We miss him and his wealth of knowledge and information. which can never be replaced. Well done ABC.
What politically correct idiot sacks a show icon four months before the 50-year anniversary of the show he started? Just one more disappointment with ABC management. I miss Kerry and his enthusiasm. As another old guy, you do not easily replace his experience.
It is a great shame that ABC management took Kerry Lonergan off air. I had thought it was incredibly wise to keep the Landline creator in an ’emeritus’ role just covering markets. But it turns out it was not wise.
The ABC is doing a remarkable job with diversity – it’s excellent across news, current affairs and drama. But obviously ‘age’ is a criterion not included. A great shame.
I wonder if the ABC noticed that 99.9 percent of the comments were pro-Kerry?
As for me, I have stopped watching ABC News and now Landline. What next, Back Roads? What more can you screw up? As an aside, has anybody seen or heard of Buttrose since she took the 30 pieces?
How not to treat the founder of a show that shows the very heart of our rural sector and is loved by so many of us, city and country alike.
A terrific, honest, down-to-earth person. Shame ABC. At least he could see the forest beyond the trees.
On Sunday, I just found out Kerry Lonergan is no longer with Landline. So sorry to have found out this way. I just got off the 30-year line up of everybody. I saw so many old faces and recalled so many memories. I had the privilege of meeting Kerry at a small coffee shop one night at Paddington in Brisbane a couple of years ago. I spoke to him about the program that was before. He reminded me of Countrywide, which I would race home from church to watch. After the change over, I still did the same thing to the disgust of friends. They never had a connection with the land. I will miss Kerry smiling and his roundup at the end of the new program. Roy, 83 years.
They have turned Gardening Australia into a Greens Party poster child, so it was Landline’s turn to start screaming about climate change. Global warming doesn’t fit their narrative any more, so Kerry had to go. I will never forget his opinion on soy milk not being the milk of a lactating mammal, gold. I can see the last show I watched on ABC fading into memory.
I’m still missing Kerry Lonergan on ABC Landline. Such a depth of experience and knowledge made him a centre piece for the show.
I have tried to settle with the new face, but maybe it would be easier if he could share some of his experience with us during the updates. I’m not keen on his pithy “Ozzie” tags. I love the larrikin Ozzie, but it is meant to have depth, not be a meme. He seems informed, can he share that with us?
I won’t comment further on the timing of Kerry being asked to leave. Farmers are in business for the long-term, it would be great to see programming reflect that.
Sad to see Kerry booted out the door.
Kerry spoke his mind and called it as it is. He is a passionate advocate for all farmers and for the protection of Australian farming.
Today’s Landline is bowing and bending to all groups, not necessarily supporting all farmers. Landline is changing; it’s no longer an agricultural investigative forum, but a glossy magazine type of production.
I wish you well Kerry. Unfortunately, you got a pineapple. But your followers understand that you deserve much better and we can only but praise you for delivering a wonderful and informative program until you got the shove.
Sorry to see the end of Kerry. He was well-respected and an integral part of Landline.
A typical example of out with the old, in with the new…..but the ‘new’ doesn’t have the knowledge or experience to explain what’s going on and why…
I have just watched Landline again and looked for Kerry Lonergan in the credits to find out what happened to him. I have now come to Google to find he has been sacked. You’ve got to be kidding. He was always professional and to the point. We trusted his analysis. Well done Kerry. Happy retirement and I fear the ABC will pay for the way you have been dealt with.
Thanks very much for sacking Kerry … not.
He was an excellent commentator. Landline is not the same without him.
Once again, the people at the top are totally out of touch with the ordinary people.
Let’s see the faces of the idiots that sacked Kerry. Some accountability needs to happen here.
We were saddened to hear that Kerry Lonergan appears to have been suddenly sacked by the ABC in November 2020. It would seem thoughtless to have not negotiated to at least have him involved in the 30-year celebration of Landline, and then let him retire gracefully. Or indeed to retire and then also be involved in the 30-year celebrations, especially as he had been involved for all those 30 years as founder and initial executive director. Why? It seems heartless and discourteous when he was not far off retirement anyway.
Change is inevitable in most cases; this case particularly.
Gone will be his usual humour, unique appearance and most importantly, his wisdom.
Wisdom, being a trait in large organisations that is a rarity and desperately needed these days more than before.
But, apparently, Mr. Lonergan was retiring this year anyway, so I hope he, as a decent person, was treated decently.
My partner and I shall miss him.
We shall not be watching Landline in quite the same way now.
All the best to you, Kerry, we love you!
We miss you on Landline Kerry.
Kerry was thoroughly rural, his thoughts resonated throughout our wide brown land of sweeping plains, droughts and flooding rains.
When the ABC sacked Kerry Lonergan it said it ‘wished to move in a new direction.’ What direction is this? Can only be towards the inner cities and those who control ‘your’ ABC: the champagne socialists, who smugly trouser $300,000-400,000 plus bonuses per year. And away from those who live in the wide brown lands. Oh the pitiless ABC heart…
Once again the ABC inner city woke management has silenced an Australian that the majority can relate with.
Hold your head high Kerry in the knowledge that your reporting on Landline for 30 years was respected by all but a few.
ABC, you are increasingly isolating yourselves from the mainstream. Kerry was a shining beacon.
What’s wrong?
I always enjoyed Kerry’s segment because he used to say it as it was, which in this day and age is refreshing. Clearly, his approach did not fit with the current ‘woke’ trends in the ABC.
Very disappointed to hear of Kerry Lonergan’s sudden and unceremonious departure. Poor form ABC Landline. I hope you can correct this injustice. 🙁
Gordon Blair JP
I was wondering where Kerry Longergan was, but now I know. I miss you and your reports on Landline. Not the same ABC.
Bring Kerry back. You have made a big mistake. John Robbins
I thought Kerry Lonergan had taken long service leave since he hasn’t been reporting on Landline. What a shock to discover via Google that his contract was terminated by the ABC.
What else would you expect? Common courtesy has certainly disappeared in all walks of life. Not even a chance to say farewell to his devoted viewers.
I am very sad to hear Kerry Lonergan was axed from Landline. I and many others are unhappy to hear this.
He was a big part of the Landline family and it just isn’t the same without him.
Thank you.
I was most disappointed when I tuned into Landline this afternoon not to find Kerry Lonegan informing me on agricultural market activity. It is not the same and does not hold my city suburban attention as Kerry’s presentation did. Just another sign of “Our ABC” not being in touch with the ordinary Joe Blow watcher. You will reap what you sow.
It is time the people of Australia, through our elected government, ceased funding the Leftist movement put to us from the ABC. Could we please raise some much needed money for the country by selling the ABC off? Kerry’s removal was the last straw; now I watch SKY.
It is often how a thing is done more than what is done, especially when retirement is near. Obviously the ABC wants to serve perhaps a younger generation and dump the old reliable viewers. I no longer watch the “Kerry” segment and will no longer watch the whole program if the ABC doesn’t offer an explanation as to why a ‘first nation’ locator is now added to each story.
It was quite clear that Lonergan didn’t fit in with the ABC’s Left-wing agenda
Totally agree with the general and specific comments re Kerry. After more than 30 years of service with the ABC, he was cast aside without mention to his loyal watchers. A further reason why I rarely watch the ABC and it’s woke programs and far left presenters. More and more, I turn to SKY for news and current affairs.
I cannot believe you at ABC could get rid of such a down-to-earth real guy. What, was he too unpolitically correct for you because he said it how he saw it? He can never be replaced, it’s just not the same report without him. I’m very disappointed in the ABC and like others I wondered where he was and had to Google it to find out. Bad decision ABC.
My husband and I were left wondering why the admirable presenter of ABC Landline’s Market Report had disappeared. I voiced my concerns that Mr Lonergan perhaps did not “suit” our national broadcaster’s agenda, despite his vast depth of rural knowledge, dry sense of humour and personal appeal to city and country dwellers. ‘Wished to move in a new direction’ – what does this mean? Landline had been staple viewing for our family. Sadly, we barely turn on the ABC for much these days, even less now Mr Lonergan no longer graces the screen.
‘Landline’ has been my favourite TV program in Australia for some time. While it is always sad to see a popular personality leave, changes and innovations happen in the media on a regular basis. Kerry Lonergan had a very good innings and I wish him a pleasant retirement.
To the ABC management: let me tell you the new direction you are taking is not working with Kerry’s replacement. What is wrong with you people?
Actually, I found many of his opinions inappropriate and biased. Glad to see a new face who I think is doing a great job as is the ABC overall.
Exactly what opinion “was inappropriate”?
A dry country humour, yes, but biased Kerry was not.
The only bias present here is that of those who have seized control of the ABC; the inner city Lefties seen nightly on “Your ABC”, paid $300,000-$400,000 per year plus “bonuses”, and who despise real country folk.
Sorry, he’s got to be a relative.
The ABC, our once proud national broadcaster, is no longer so highly regarded.
The very expensive ABC staff, paid up to $300-$400k + “bonuses” now have control, allowing endless broadcasts of their inner-city Lefty agenda.
The days of appealing to rural Australians are long gone, so dear Kerry Lonergan has been chopped, and chopped in an unseemly fashion and without grace.
Kerry Lonergan’s contract cancellation needs explanation; because it is insulting and damaging that after so many years Kerry is vaporised without explanation.
Kerry, with a deep knowledge and love of rural Australia, so amply communicated in his weekly sessions and with a phone full to bursting of valuable contacts and very much speaking the language of regional Australia, has been summarily binned.
Shame on Landline, shame on ABC.
Who wants to watch the agenda of inner-city Lefties? Not me.
A lid on all your seething resentment was held in place by Kerry’s five minute segment. How could you stand the rest of the hour? Most of the presenters have been there for years and are still there doing a pretty good job.
Goodbye Kerry and thank you. Goodbye also to ABC Landline. I’m not spitting the dummy at the talented Landline staff, but what do we little folk do to the big end of town? Well, tell them to take their show and go home. I pity the new bloke trying to fill Kerry’s shoes. And to think the ‘decision makers’ get big bucks for such heifer dust goings on.
I’m very disappointed that an icon like Kerry would be treated so badly by the ABC. It’s a disgrace when he only had a few months to go before retirement. I wish the new presenter all the best and don’t blame him for the ABC’s pathetic management; that’s where the sacking should start.
I kept wondering where Kerry was and finally I found out. He was terminated by the powers that be in ABC HQ… suddenly and without warning. Landline will not be the same. Maybe the young man is a nice knowledgeable bloke, I don’t really know nor do I care.
Kerry was a popular knowledgeable, likeable and professional bloke, who spoke his mind and gave his opinions with that dry sense of humour which to my mind is sadly lacking among the young presenters who are appearing on our screens.
Landline has been a must-see for me for many many years; however, now that it has been generically and genetically modified I will use the off button.
Management at ABC is doing its damndest to destroy the organisation from within. It needs no help from without or from the Murdoch oligarchy.
Kerry, thank you for being you, and best wishes to you and yours and may you enjoy the times ahead. Country and city do and will miss you.
As a rusted on supporter of Landline, the axing of Kerry Lonergan’s contract and the way it has been delivered appears singularly discourteous and irrational.
But why be surprised? ABC executives have an ongoing habit and track record of reprehensible behaviour to individuals and Australia.
Not only was Kerry a knowledgeable presenter, who had a handle across the board on all things rural, but, he had a dry sense of humour and could mix with the best of them. Why ABC did you let a national treasure go? Thirty years of experience has been swept under the carpet without even an explanation to the viewing audience. I think you should hang your heads in shame for the way you have treated such a bigger-than-life person. I wish Kerry a healthy retirement.
That is a @#$% act when he was going to retire in a few months. Shame on them.
Yes, I have be wondering why Kerry Lonergan has suddenly disappeared from Landline; one of the ABC’s best productions.
I wish Kerry a happy retirement and I will miss his easy style of reporting, especially with his wide knowledge in overseas trade issues with our trading partners. Where do you replace his knowledge quickly?
Maybe there is more to the termination of this very respectable ABC spokesman than has been given to us? It is a shame he could not see out his full term until retirement with Landline.
ABC Landline, you have made a very large mistake axing Kerry Lonergan from your program. The young fellow you have replaced Kerry with has not got the knowledge of Mr Lonergan, nor does he have the appeal.
I have watched this show for decades and enjoyed it, but after the first two shows I think I will leave the TV off and go watch the grass grow. Very disappointing.
Shame on you ABC executives. You have lost your way with the rural people, who, by the way, are the backbone of this country.
And not of the leftist view of your new concept. Get back to the real stories that matter. Kerry’s knowledge of rural people is one hundred times more worthy than what you are trying to project. Good luck Kerry
I’m a city dweller. Landline used to be one of my favourite shows. New coach is no good. Lift your game please. David Hagan
I will miss Kerry Lonergan. The presenter who replaced him looks like a cardboard cut-out who has never visited let alone lived in rural Australia.
As the ABC continues to shift to the Left it is inevitable that fashionable inner-city woke perspectives will dominate the program, alienating the predominantly conservative rural audience.
I tuned in on Sunday only to see Kerry is gone and replaced by someone younger, boring and very upsetting. All those years of knowledge gone. Why couldn’t the ABC respect all the years he gave them and let him retire when he wished or at least farewell him correctly last year? Landline is not for the country anymore; it all about townies and greenies, who do not really care for the land. A truly wonderful show it once was, but now it’s barely worth watching. Many thanks Kerry, we wish you well. Wake up ABC.
I turned on today’s first episode of Landline for 2021 and was shocked and dismayed to find Kerry Lonergan was no longer a member of the presentation team. Not happy ABC!
We have been loyal viewers of Landline and prior, to Countrywide, and we often sing the praises of this program to our friends and associates. Kerry’s replacement, on first viewing, does not cut the mustard. He may be younger, but lacks Kerry’s knowledge and sense of humour. Please note this couple of Landline viewers’ displeasure.
I missed Mr Lonergan in this first episode. His delivery of the information was always easy to absorb for a city slicker like me. It was a shock not to see him presenting his usual segment. Please thank him for all the episodes he has presented in the past. My very, very best wishes to him.
We settled down after the hectic Christmas period and repeat after repeat on the ABC. We were waiting for the new Landline today and were shocked to see that Kerry was not the host of the program. We checked the internet and any stories posted to see that he had been axed. Has the programming board lost their senses?
Kerry was our comfortable mate every lunch time on a Sunday now he has been replaced by some guy who says “stay country”. What does that mean?
As usual, everything is just a thinly disguised attempt to educate the city people who wouldn’t know one end of a sheep than the other and aren’t interested either, except to say they travelled to the outback in their new moleskins.
I’m furious, and by the way, hate the previews show everyday on the ABC so much so that it actually makes watching the show a waste of time. Sorry, you’ve lost a family of watchers.
Another unbelievable act by the ABC. Just short of the 30th anniversary of the show Kerry started and they do this. The market reports and Kerry’s invaluable insights into the rural sector sadly will be missed my many. Good luck on your future endeavours Kerry. Hold on to your Akubra Pip.
It was the last decent show on the ABC, but this is nasty treatment of Kerry and the last time I’ll bother with the ABC.
Hi all, I have been watching Landline for some years now to educate myself about the men and women of the land.
While over the years we have had some excellent reporters, Kerry’s segment to me had more of a human touch and you knew what he was educating you about. Not now, bye Landline .
The tail wags the Aunty dog.
The staff control the ABC, rather than the board, hence Kerry has disappeared, and we are now fed a diet of 81 percent saturated woke fat and 19pc dietary fibre.
A few months ago in November 2020, experienced media executive John Hartigan rejected invitations to join the ABC board, because “the staff control of the ABC”
so he would be “unable to bring about sensible reforms.” “People similar to me have tried, and failed, to make changes,” he said.
The staff, not the board, control the ABC, hence the rise of the inner-city leftie agenda and the fall of an agenda important to rurals.
I am so shocked at this. The ABC has lost the plot. Week after week we suffer the same idiots being forced on us in unwatchable programs of utter rubbish, yet a professional and presenter of a quality program like Kerry is given the boot. Landline was the only good program on the ABC worth watching, including the repeats in the summer series. I certainly didn’t watch the 17 repeats of other programs shown in one day (and almost every day) of late. Their so-called comedy programs and comedians really are a joke, and laughable in that that they are just not funny; stupid, yes, but no humour in them whatsoever. I am so sorry this treatment has been given to Kerry. No more Landline for me, nor ABC.
I am very sorry to see Kerry leave Landline as I have been watching him for many years and he definitely makes the program. I was very impressed with last Sunday’s 13th December edition showing the inventor of the harvester and how he battled for many years before he achieved success. There should be more programs highlighting the early settlers and how they lived with no assistance.
Mmm, I think I’ll be moving in a new direction also. Sadly, real farming has become un-PC to the trendy urban elites.
Well done Kerry.
I have been watching Landline forever. The last episode this year was a disgrace, with the ‘social re-engineering’ department of the ABC lefty elites working overtime. Now that Kerry has gone, I will not be wasting my time watching a program that simply wants to foist their political and social views on the public.
I will miss you Kerry. Have a good retirement.
What a national disgrace. Typical ABC, where any individual dissenting voice is silenced. Landline has now lost its personality and intellectual freedom. What hypocrisy when it spouts “diversity”. Now all we have to look forward to are more stories on fishing, trendy non-viable farm-to-plate tree changers, veganism and distortions on rural industry practices — such as the recent mulesing story.
It seems absurdly rude and un-Australian to not allow him to sign off, even if he cost too much or had a row with someone. He has been the face of Landline for lifetimes and even now should be given an opportunity to say his goodbyes. Let’s not succumb to the very low standards evident in other media operations. Do it right. Fix it.
The ABC has long been “moving in a new direction”, not one, I, and I suspect most country people, or those simply interested in how the things get done in the bush, will appreciate. Thanks Kerry.
Yet another nail in the ABC’s coffin, as it becomes more irrelevant by the day. What a disgraceful treatment of this stalwart of the highly regarded and trusted Landline program. And I had to rely on the “Australian” letters to find out, as it was otherwise kept secret. Inevitably, Landline will increasingly become part of the woke controllers of the ABC.
Hello! Ӏ’ve been reading your blog for a long time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a
shout out from Porter Texas. Just wanteԁ to say keep up the excellent job.
Margarette Pinkley, good on you. What is the state of your nation re the election? Please give us a first-hand update. What is your occupation and have you had anything to do with wool or woollen products? I worked in Colorado many moons ago. Do you get snow or are you too far south?
What a disgrace, to get rid of the best, most worthwhile person on the ABC, Kerry Lonergan. And how pathetic that Landline did not bother to say anything about him leaving. We just didn’t get the best part of the show, his market report. Shame on the ABC.
Why is ABC hellbent on making itself unwatchable?
Trying to silence an authentic rural voice such as Lonergan’s, reflects poorly on all at Landline.
But there still plenty of bark left in this old dog, and he is way better in the yards and in the field than most of the diverse range of ‘talent’
currently foisted upon us weekly by the ABC Landline’s social engineering department.
Let’s hope Kerry reappears soon on another channel, while Landline increasingly looses its rural roots and drifts to being a rural program for townies and greenies.
Budget cuts: this is what people wanted; an axe taken to the ABC.
Some even want the ABC sold off; not vindictively, there are changes happening all over the ABC, people let go in whole legions of programs, rationalising services. Look further than Landline and Kerry’s departure. Meanwhile, I notice Fox Media gets a government hand-out at short notice with no plan on how they will spend it.
Budget cuts bulldust, you still cost us $1,000,000,000+/yr.
ABC pays many on air staff $300,000 to $500,000 plus bonuses.
increasingly, ABC is the network of inner-city left-wing elites, not the Lonergans of this world.
Its days of being a truly national broadcaster appealing to all Australians are long gone, for the ABC elite looks down on regional cities with old-fashioned snobbery, preferring to leave them to Nine or Seven.
While the signal may be national, the content for too many is inner-city left-wing.
G’day, let’s all hope that he is “not” replaced by someone from Meat & Livestock Australia to deliver commodity reports, as some of their past advice to producers has been a complete failure. For example, we need producers to grow lambs that exceed 35kg for the US market. That was until shearers started to refuse to shear 100kg ewes.
How disappointing to hear of the removal of Kerry. He has been a great servant of the program.
Similarly David, I’m with you. Landline is not a program for the rural people any more.
Like the rest of the content on the ABC, they now only seem to pander to the popular sectors in the cities.
Most of the stories are wishy washy stuff to appease the city folk, nothing much about the nitty gritty in the bush.
Was Kerry sacked because he dared to challenge vegans?
Landline is now not high on my list of programs to view.