
Lamb prices plane in online AuctionsPlus sales

Sheep Central October 30, 2023

These 14-15 month-old Merino ewe hoggets at Nyngan in New South Wales sold for $103 on AuctionsPlus last week.

LAMB prices plateaued on AuctionsPlus last week, with only significant improvements in values for Merino wethers, and unjoined Merino and crossbred ewes.

The online marketplaceā€™s commercial sheep and lamb offering increased by 15 percent to 70,970 head. This was the largest registered offering since the first week of May and it was met with weaker demand, AuctionsPlus said.

Overall clearance dropped 10 percentage points on last week to finish the week at 62pc. Price trends were firm, with both value over reserve and the crossbred lamb category sitting at the same levels as last week. Prices across the board were flat week on week.

The online market was dictated by lamb offerings, comprising 60pc of the total at 42,729 head, of which 96pc were new season lambs. The remainder of the offering was made up of unjoined ewes, that spiked by 47pc to 22,023 head offered, or 31pc of the total offering.

Crossbred lamb numbers jumped 11pc 21,683 head. The larger category registered a 68pc clearance, averaging $4 over reserve at $62/head. At Harden, NSW, two lines of 330 May/June 2023 drop Poll Dorset cross suckers weighing 44kg sold for $91/head, or 209c/kg lwt.

The Merino wether lamb offering returned to more normal levels with 10,880 head. Strong demand resulted in a 79pc clearance rate. Prices reduced slightly to $42/head. At Booroorban, NSW, 290 May/June 2023 drop Merino wether lambs weighing 38kg lwt made $63/head, the top price for the category.

The Merino ewe hogget offering increased 93pc to 12,420 head Despite the large offering, the market held strong with the category seeing a 64pc clearance and the average price jumped $5 to $88/head. At Deniliquin, NSW, 410 16-17 month-old Merino ewe hoggets weighing 51kg lwt exceeded their reserve level by $42 to sell for $142/head.

Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, 26th October 2023

Source – AuctionsPlus.


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