
Lamb prices lift in saleyards buoyed by contract confidence

Sheep Central October 26, 2015
These 18.3kg cwt March-April drop September shorn Merino lambs sold for $87.50 at West Wyalong, NSW, on AuctionsPlus last week.

These 18.3kg cwt March-April drop September shorn Merino lambs sold for $87.50 at West Wyalong, NSW, on AuctionsPlus last week.

LAMB prices lifted again last Friday, as restockers and feeders underpinned by forward price contracts strived to secure lambs in saleyards.

Restockers kept prices for the light lambs under 18kg cwt with $1-$9 skins up to $108, or to 620c/kg at Griffith in New South Wales.

The restockers and feeders also underpinned prices for light trade weight lambs with $1-$11 skins to $96-$130, or 356-548c/kg.

Prices for heavy new season lambs 26kg+ also firmed, reaching $148-$159 or 497-507c/kg at Cowra.

NLRS lamb indicators improve

After Friday’s saleyards sales, the NLRS’ Eastern Stated Daily Indicators for lamb were mostly higher, especially for restocker lambs, finishing with big weekly gains of 25-50c/kg.

The lamb ESDIs, their daily and weekly changes, are: restocker 558c/kg, up 5 cents, up 50c; Merino 448c/kg, up 3cv, up 62c; light 470c/kg, down 4c, up 39c; trade 509c/kg, up 3c, up 37c; heavy 493c/kg, up 3c, up 25c. The national trade lamb indicator lifted 3 cents to 508c/kg and the heavy indice finished on 492 cents, also up 3 cents.

The ESDI for mutton lifted one cent for the day and 19 cents during the week to close on 303c/kg, and the national indicator closed up 1 cent to 300c/kg.

Southern buyers flock to AuctionsPlus

Young Merino ewes sold to $147.50 and November shorn Merino wethers made $117.50 in NSW on AuctionsPlus last week, as the wool market spiked.

The online market listed 68,785 sheep and lamb numbers this week, just under 30,000 fewer than last week. Southern states buyers were active after patchy and scattered showers across eastern NSW and Victoria.

A number of attractive lines of young Merino breeders were offered, that made $47-$147.50, to average $102. The top-priced mob were 12-13 month old unjoined May shorn hoggets from Nyngan, NSW, that weight 58.6kg cwt and were mostly score 3 in condition. Proven and aged Merino ewes sold from $28.50-$105 to average $67.

A large offering of Merino wethers and wether lambs drew buyer activity, AuctionsPlus said. Wether lambs ranged from $52-$87.50 and averaged $68. Grown Merino wethers sold from $40-$117.50 to average $70. The top priced mob were 18- 20 month-old The Yanko blood November shorn wethers weighing 69.3kg cwt at Rand in NSW.

A small offering of unjoined first cross ewe hoggets attracted buyer interest, with an average price of $154.25 and a range of $130-$170. The top price was paid for 17-18 month-old June shorn ewes weighing 63.7kg and mostly score 4 from Currawarna, NSW.

AuctionsPlus’ large offering of store lambs last week met strong buyer interest, with more offered from Victoria and South Australia. The lightest 24-26kg lwt lambs made $61.50-$88 to average $71 or 676c/kg cwt. Lambs weighing 30-32kg made $70-$86, averaging $72.50 or 578c/kg. Store lines weighing 33-35kg made from $77 up to $98 for 33kg Poll Dorset cross unshorn mixed sex suckers from Crookwell, NSW. Lambs weighing 37-39kg sold from $84-$95.50, to average $89.50 or 553c/kg. Lambs weighing 40-42kg made $93-$106.50, to average $97 or 559c/kg.

Griffith’s trade lambs firm to $3 dearer

In New South Wales at the Griffith saleyards on Friday, the agents yarded 11,300 lambs, 4650 more than last week, and 3000 sheep, 1200 more.

The NLRS said 7650 mixed quality new season lambs were penned, including some well-presented lambs. However, more lambs showed the effects of the warmer weather. The usual buyers competed in a fairly steady market.

Restockers competed strongly on light store new season lambs from $74-$109. Light lambs sold from $102-$106. Trade weights were firm to $3 dearer at $106-$125.

Heavy lambs also held firm to sell from $120-$137, or 505-525c/kg cwt. Old trade weight lambs sold from $106-$119. Heavy lambs ranged from $120-$134.

Most of the sheep were Merino ewes. Quality was mixed and prices remained similar. Merino ewes sold from $75-$93. Crossbred ewes averaged $77. Merino wethers made $73-$99.

Cowra’s trade and store lambs up $5

At the Cowra saleyards on Friday, the agents yarded 6800 lambs, 300 fewer than last week, and 900 sheep, 80 more.

The NLRS said lamb quality improved, with the new season lines in top condition. Most of the yarding was trade new season lambs and extra heavy weights. There were more store lambs suitable for restockers and a limited number of old lambs. All the usual buyers operated and competition was good, resulting in a continued dearer trend.

Store lambs sold to strong demand, lifting $5 to $91-$104. Medium and heavy trade weight new seasons were $5 dearer and averaged around 530c/kg cwt. Most of the quality heavy trade weights made $118-$128. Heavy weight new season lambs were $3-$8 up at around 500-508c/kg cwt. A pen of extra heavy weight new season lambs with an estimated carcass weight of 30kg made $159.

Sheep quality was reasonable. Medium Merino ewes improved $12 and score 3 lines averaged $72. Heavy first cross ewes improved by similar levels and averaged $92 or 287c/kg cwt.

Shepparton lambs $5-$10 dearer

In Victoria at the Shepparton saleyards on Friday, the agents yards 7350 lambs, 450 more than last week, and 950 sheep, 300 fewer.

The NLRS said a good field of trade and export processors, and several restockers, bid on the similar-sized offering of sheep and lambs. There were 7100 new season lambs and 250 old lambs in the average to good quality offering. A moderate selection of heavy and trade weight lambs was available, with store lambs in good supply.

Prices were generally $5-$10 dearer for all lambs including those going to restockers. The light weight 2 score lambs sold from $65-$82, with restockers paying to $99. The light trade weight 2 and 3 score lambs made $88-$98, with restockers bidding to $106. The medium to heavy weight 3 score lambs sold from $100-$123 and the heavy weights made $120-$140. Most trade and heavy weight new season lambs sold to processors for 460-520c/kg cwt.

The few trade weight old lambs sold from $70-$105 and heavier weights made to $114. Heavy weight 3 and 4 score hoggets made $89-$98.

The sheep were mostly medium to extra heavy weight ewes in good condition. Sheep sold $10-$15 higher at an average of 285c/kg cwt to processors. Most 2 and 3 score ewe sheep made $60-$83, with a pen of woolly Merinos making to $92. The few wethers made $70-$78. Heavy weight 3 and 4 score ewes sold from $70-$86. The odd few rams made $35-$45, with restockers paying $50-$75.

Sources: MLA, NLRS, AuctionsPlus.



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