These 37.6kg September-October 2023 drop White Suffolk cross lambs at Glen Innes in NSW sold for $121 on AuctionsPlus last week.
PRICES rose in most lamb categories in a much bigger sheep and lamb offering on AuctionsPlus last week.
AuctionsPlus said it commercial sheep and lamb listings increased 62 percent to 91,837 head.
The larger offering was well received by buyers and a clearance rate of 67pc was achieved.
AuctionsPlus said its crossbred lamb indicator rose 6pc to $111/head and the restocker lamb indicator rose 9 cents to average 574c/kg lwt.
Price rises were evident across the board with average prices in all lamb categories except mixed sex Merino lambs. Average prices fell in only two categories in the joined ewe and unjoined ewe offerings.
AuctionsPlus said listings picked up from all states, with Queensland being a standout with just over 10,000 head listed, an increase of more than 200pc. The New South Wales listings increased by 55pc to just over 52,000 head.
Listings increased across all stock categories last week, with lambs lifting 62pc to 48,971 head and unjoined ewes increasing 61pc to 28,219 head. NSW buyers bought 22,000 head more than the previous week, securing 42,041 head. Processors picked up more than 1400 head, securing four lots of crossbred lambs and Merino ewe lambs.
AuctionsPlus said crossbred lamb listings almost doubled to 22,048 head, with the average price increasing to $111, up $6, for an 87pc clearance. At Bigga in NSW, 365 mixed sex May-June 2023 drop Poll Dorset cross lambs weighing 44kg lwt sold for $141/head, or 323c/kg.
AuctionsPlus said the Merino wether lamb offering rose to 14,671 head, with the average price rising $13 to $78, for a 73pc clearance. At Brewarrina in NSW, 580 June/July 2023 drop Merino wethers weighing 47kg lwt made $123/head.
Merino ewe hoggets were keenly sought, with the 6140 head offered averaging $3 more than the previous week at $124, and the clearance reaching 83pc. At Wellington in NSW, 450 16-17 month-old Merino ewe hoggets weighing 49kg sold for $125/head, or 256c/kg lwt.
Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, 8th February 2024
Source – AuctionsPlus.