Lamb Processing

JBS Longford plant starts rebuilding capacity

Sheep Central November 17, 2016



THINGS are starting to crank up in the Tasmanian beef processing game again with the JBS Longford beef and lamb processing facility announcing it will be increasing production and jobs.

Chief operating officer for JBS Southern Australia, Sam McConnell said after a prolonged period of livestock shortages in Tasmania, cattle and lamb numbers were now becoming available.

“It’s been a tough period for livestock not just in Tasmania but across the east coast of mainland Australia,” he said.

“We have cut production to meet supply and maintain jobs. There are other processors who have shut completely. The good news is we are increasing production at JBS Longford and we have employed 100 people. This is great for the local community and the economy.”

The JBS Longford plant manager, Vernon Piwari has welcomed back 60 of the workers who were stood down during the shortage of livestock.

“On top of the 60 employees we stood down who are available to work we have recruited 40 new employees from the north west region. This is good outcome in terms of local jobs and providing skills. The good news is with increased livestock numbers over the next few weeks we will be looking to recruit another 30 plus people at Longford,” Vernon Piwari said.

JBS Longford is Tasmania’s largest meat processing facility. It is a major employer in the State and through its livestock purchasing, wages and local procurement injects over $350 million directly into the local Longford and Tasmanian economy.

JBS produces high quality beef and lamb under a range of premium brands including Great Southern, King Island, Three Islands and Pinnacle, which is sold directly to key domestic and international customers.


Source: JBS Southern




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