Coolah goat catchers Jordan Sternbeck and Tom Moore sold bush bucks for $110 at the quarterly Dubbo goat sale.
MORE buyers and the dry season helped lift prices by up to $10-$15 at the quarterly Dubbo goat sale yesterday.
The sale attracted an extra two buyers from New South Wales and Victoria, PT Lord Dakin and Associates selling agent Joe Portelli said.
“Restocker activity was limited due to the dry season.
“Competition on kill goats from processors was strong due to the lack of good quality goats available as a result of the dry,” he said.
More than 2000 goats were yarded, comprising about 70 percent Australian bush goats and 30pc Boer goats. Boer wethers sold for up to $150 a head for a pen of two-year- olds. A pen of better presented milk-tooth Boer wethers sold for $105 to Griffith lot feeders.
The top-end Boer does from Michael Lindsay at ‘Goan Creek’, Ballimore, NSW, sold up to $140 in the herd dispersal. A single Boer buck made $260.
Australian bush bucks sold up to $118 for the Bruce family, Bugaldie, NSW, and bush nannies sold to $95.
Young goat catchers Jordan Sternbeck and Tom Moore, from Coolah, NSW, sold a pen of bush bucks for $110 a head and two pens of bush does, made $74 and $94 a head.
Source: Rebecca Sharpe, Dubbo Stock and Station Agents.