Prime & Store Sheep Reports

Full wool scanned in-lamb Merino ewes to $353 on AuctionsPlus

Sheep Central June 22, 2020

These scanned in-lamb rising three year-old Merino ewes sold for $353 on AuctionsPlus last week

RESTOCKERS paid to $353 for young Merino ewes and to $395 for ewe-lamb units on AuctionsPlus last week as values held steady for most other online offerings.

AuctionsPlus said sheep and lamb numbers rose by 644 head to 72,026 and central west New South Wales continued to dominate purchasing, buying 16 percent of the national offering.

Merino ewe hoggets sold from $165 to $350, averaging $266, up $8. The top price was paid for two lines of two year-old North Coree and Woodpark blood ewes scanned in-lamb to Poll Merino rams at Tullamore, NSW. The hoggets weighed 56kgs and carried 5cm fleeces. At Nhill in Victoria, a line of 22-24 month-old Kolindale blood scanned empty Merino ewes weighing 54kgs with 5cm fleece made $260.

Young Merino ewes, 2-4 years-old, made from $192 to $353, and averaged $276, up $36. The top price was paid for a line of rising three year-old late July 2019 shorn Yarrawonga and Tallawong blood ewes at Yass, NSW, that were scanned in-lamb 162 percent to Poll Merino and Merino rams. The ewes weighed 62kgs and had 7.5cm fleeces. At Quilpie in Queensland, a line of joined rising 3-4 year-old Mumblebone blood bare shorn ewes weighing 49kgs sold for $265.

Merino ewe lamb prices were steady at $140 to $270 to average $211. The top price was paid for a line of June 2019 drop Pastora blood ewe lambs weighing 49kgs and with 4cm fleeces at Temora in NSW. At Mintaro in South Australia, a line of May/June 2019 drop Leachim blood ewe lambs weighing 48kgs and with 6.25cm fleeces sold for $254.

Merino ewes with lambs make $395

Merino ewes with lambs sold from $374 to $395 and averaged $384 on AuctionsPlus last week. The top price was paid for a line of 3-6 year-old Woodpark and Centre Plus blood ewes with 2-9 week-old White Suffolk cross lambs at Grenfell, NSW. The ewes weighed 68kgs and had 7cm fleeces.

Merino ewes, four years and older, remained steady on last week at $160 to $292, to average $236. The top price was paid for a line of 2-6 year-old Bundilla and Poll Boonoke blood ewes from Harden, NSW, that were scanned in-lamb to Poll Dorset rams. The ewes weigh 64kgs and carried 4.5cm fleeces. At Jamestown in South Australia, a line of rising 5-7 year-old North Ashrose blood ewes scanned in-lamb to Poll Merino rams sold for $251. They weighed 74kgs and had 4.5cm fleeces. At Cunnamulla in Queensland, a line of unjoined rising 7 year-old Haddon Rig blood ewes sold for $187 to a Victorian buyer at Barwon Plains. The ewes weighed 62kgs and carried 5.5cm fleeces.

Merino wether lambs average $153

Merino wether lambs sold steady at $122 to $190 to average $153 online last week. The top price was paid for a line of April/May 2019 drop One Oak and Langdene blood wethers weighing 52kgs and with 6.25cm fleeces, at Prairie in Victoria. At Port Augusta, SA, a line of recently shorn July/August 2019 drop Moorundie Park blood wethers weighing 40kgs sold for $155.

Merino wether prices lower

Merino wethers offered on AuctionsPlus last week sold from  $150 to $189 and averaged $164, down $7. The top price was paid for a line of three year-old Wurrook blood wethers weighing 66kgs and with 5.5cm fleeces at Benalla in Victoria. At Longreach in Queensland, QLD a line of recently shorn 3-4 year-old Pooginook blood wethers weighing 60kgs sold for $169 t a NSW buyer at Forbes.

First cross ewes with lambs sell to $420

First cross ewes with lambs sold from $347 to $420 and averaged $389.  The top price was paid a line of five year-old ewes weighing 66kgs with 6-11 week-old Poll Dorset cross lambs at Yass in NSW.

First cross ewe lambs sold from $259 to $370 and averaged $315. The top price was paid for a line of 11-12 month-old ewe lambs scanned in-lamb to White Suffolk rams and weighing 49kgs at Cootamundra, NSW. At Wellington in NSW, a line of Sept/Oct 2019 drop ewe lambs weighing 56kgs sold for $349.

Older first cross ewes sold from $245 to $240 to average $345. The top price was paid for a line of 13-14 month old ewes scanned in-lamb to Poll Dorset rams and weighing 57kgs at Coolamon in NSW. At Avenel in Victoria, a line of three year-old ewes scanned in-lamb to White Suffolk rams and weighing 71kgs sold for $370.

Australian White ewes with lamb make $516

A highlight on AuctionsPlus last week was $516 for a line of 45-47 month old Pure Australian White ewes with 8-10 week old AW lambs at Gundagai in NSW. At Orroroo, SA, a line of July 2019 drop Dohne ewe lambs weighing 44kgs sold for $225.

WA Merino ewe lambs make $220

Western Australian producers offered 5452 sheep and lambs on AuctionsPlus last week. The offered was dominated by Merino ewe lambs which sold from $140 to $220 and averaged $199. The top price was paid by a Victorian buyer at Nhill for a line of recently shorn May/June 2019 drop East Mundulla blood ewe lambs weighing 54kgs at Kukerin. Another highlight was $260 for a line of June/July 2019 drop SAMM ewe lambs weighing 59kgs at Kukerin.

Small Tasmanian offering clears

In Tasmania, a small offering of 488 head, mainly lambs, was cleared last week. At Sheffield, a line of Aug/Oct 2019 drop White Suffolk cross lambs weighing 36kg sold for $148 or 411c/kg liveweight. At Sorell, a line of Sept/Oct 2019 drop Southdown and Composite cross lambs weighing 34kg made $125 or 368c/kg.

Prices average higher for fewer store lambs

AuctionsPlus offered 4268 store lambs last week, 1857 fewer. They made 387-646c/kg lwt to average 476c/kg up, up 5 cents. Highlights included:

–              First cross mixed sexes, 30kg, $195.50 or 646c/kg, Oct/Nov 2019 drop, Bigga, NSW

–              White Suffolk cross, 27kg, $167.50 or 639c/kg March/April 2020 drop, Hawkesdale, VIC

–              Dorper wethers, 34kg $173 or 513c/kg, Oct/Dec 2019 drop, Morven, QLD

–              Australian White wethers, 43kg, $183.50 or 437c/kg, March/April 2020 drop, Manildra, NSW

–              White Suffolk cross, 46kg, $181 or 414c/kg, Aug/Sept 2019 drop, Kalpura, SA

–              Dorper wethers, 50kg, $192 or 387c/kg, Dec 2019/Jan 2020 drop, Cunnamulla, QLD


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