Live Export

Full transparency on live exports needed to rebuild public trust – Littleproud

Sheep Central November 27, 2018

Minister for Agriculture David littleproud

FULL transparency is needed to rebuild public trust in live exports, Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said as he released the first independent observer report from a livestock export shipment.

Mr Littleproud yesterday released the observer report for the MV Bahijah, which loaded 9227 sheep and 3695 cattle in Fremantle on 9 June 2018 for shipment to Israel.

After a 22-day journey to Haifa, Israel, the independent observer reported an overall mortality rate of 0.18 percent for sheep (17 mortalities), and 0.03pc for cattle (one mortality). The causes of the mortalities were not considered to be linked to any systemic failure on behalf of the exporter, the report said.

The Coalition Government has committed to make public the summary reports from independent observers on live export vessels. Reports from independent observers will be published as they are finalised to ensure no delay in proper transparency, Mr Littleproud’s office said.

“Full transparency is the only way to build public trust in any industry.

“That’s why I said we needed the ‘truth, and proof’ of what happens on live export boats,” Mr Littleproud said.

“We need a tough cop on the beat and we need eyes and ears on those boats.

“This is the only way possible the industry will have a sustainable future and that’s what the independent observers should provide,” he said.

“I’ve made sure there are independent observers on all sheep voyages.

“These summary reports and accompanying photos will show the public what the independent observer sees on these boats,” Mr Littleproud said

The Minister said the independent observers will check the welfare and care of the animals, take photographs and notes to later collate into a report.

“They provide regular updates to the regulator on conditions on the boat, which should mean any issues are dealt with as they arise.

“The Australian public must have trust in the integrity and regulation of the live export trade,” he said.

“Reports from independent observers are a huge part of building this trust.”

Click here to read the first independent observer report.

Click here to review the status of other shipment reports.


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