
Former AuctionsPlus assessor and Elders agent Alan Roe remembered

Sheep Central October 23, 2017

Then AuctionsPlus general manager Gary Dick, right, gives Alan Roe his 25 year service award five years ago.

FORMER online livestock assessor Alan William Roe has been remembered as a meticulous operator with an aptitude for marketing.

The well-known CALM (Computer-assisted Livestock Marketing) and AuctionsPlus assessor and trainer died suddenly at his home in Coffs Harbour on Monday October 16 aged 77.

Mr Roe was a long-time employee of Elders and rose to become the state stud stock manager for the company in New South Wales.

The Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation enlisted Mr Roe to help establish CALM in the 1980s.

Former AuctionsPlus general manager Gary Dick said Mr Roe was one of the first CALM field managers in NSW.

“Many of our longstanding assessors were trained by Alan.

“Alan was a great judge of cattle, and was a very astute assessor for CALM, now AuctionsPlus,” he said.

“All his work was done truly sight unseen, trading with no photographs, green screens.

“Field managers like Alan did a fantastic job pre-internet,” Mr Dick said.

“Alan’s attention to detail and the pride he took in his assessments was amazing.

“On leaving CALM Alan started his own private agency business and contract assessing business.”

Mr Dick said Mr Roe not only did accurate assessments but “had a nose for business” and always followed through to make sure stock were sold.

Ebor Beef marketing co-ordinator Sam Ditchfield said in 1987 he did an assessors course with Mr Roe, who ran sev3eral sheep and cattle assessment courses.

“He was an agent who believed in change.

“He was good at communicating with people, was a good trainer and had contacts all over Australia.”

Mr Roe was a father to Bradley Roe, Jennifer Roe and Jodie Pitman. His funeral was held on October 21 at Coffs Harbour.


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  1. Brad Roe, October 24, 2017

    Sheep Central, Gary and Sam, thank you for the article and comments, he was a unique character.

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