First cross ewe lambs were in demand. This line of 440 head were sold out of Trangie, NSW in two lines, achieving $252. Aged 8-9 months at 65kg, buyers in Glen Innes & Ballarat secured a line each.
SHEEP numbers totalled 111,026 head in AuctionsPlus’s final full week of trading for the year.
Lambs continued to be well represented with 53,840 head offered in Tuesday’s Lamb Sale.
The Nareen Station Annual Production Sale saw 2500 two-year-old Merino ewes and 2500 five-year-old Merino ewes on offer, while most of the stock offered in Tasmania this week were snapped up by bidders on the mainland.
Merino ewe hoggets averaged $178, and sold between $96.50 and $222.50. The top priced line of 430 head originated from Nyngan, NSW. Aged 15-16 months and weighing 47kg, the NSM Poll Merino ewes were purchased out of Weethalle, NSW.
More than half of young breeders listed were derived from the Nareen Station Production Sale. Young breeders sold between $89.50 and $233, to average $187. Top price was recorded by the second draft of 575 maiden two-year-old Merino ewes, bred on Nareen Station, Nareen VIC. Weighing 55kg they are bound for Coleraine, VIC.
Proven Breeders were well supplied and mixed in quality, averaging $156. Prices ranged from $107 to $232, for a line of 515 NSM ewes from Dunedoo, NSW aged 4.5 years and weighing 64kg.
First cross ewe lambs were in demand. A line of 440 head were sold out of Trangie, NSW in two lines, achieving $252. Aged 8-9 months and weighing 65kg, buyers in Glen Innes & Ballarat secured a line each.
Similarly, a line from Keith, SA, Apr/May 17 drop lambs weighing 49kg sold for $220. First cross ewe hoggets sold from $150 – $200, to average $175. The top priced line of 300 head from Louth, NSW were aged 12-13 months, weighing 45kg and purchased out of Koorawatha, NSW. A single line of fist cross young breeders were sold this week for $270. Comprising of 185 NSM ewes aged 32-33 months, these young breeders weighed 67kg and were offered out of Branxholme, VIC.
Merino wether lambs were well supplied, to average $104. Prices ranged from $76 to $124 for a line of 400 woolgrower wether lambs from Nareen Station. Weighing 31kg and Aug/Sept 2017 drop, they are headed to Casterton, VIC. Merino wether hoggets sold to a top price of $113 for a line of 960 Poll Merino woolgrower wethers from Thallon, QLD, aged 15 to 16 months and weighing 43kg.
Grown wethers averaged $114. Prices ranged from $99.50 and sold to a top of $133 for a line of 475 head, aged 24-26 months from Inglewood, QLD. These wethers are heading 1300km to Bendigo in Victoria.
Highlights in crossbred ewe listings included:
- Composite ewe lambs from Yass, NSW, weighing 47kg, July/Aug 2017 drop sold for $188
- White Suffolk/Suffolk/ Merino ewes aged 4 years from Ararat, VIC, weighing 67kg sold for $212.50
- 13-15 month old Highlander/first cross ewe hoggets from Harrow, VIC, weighing 46kg sold for $200.
Store lambs were in supply and mixed in quality, averaging $110 with a price range of $58.50 to $136. Highlights included second cross mixed sex suckers from Taralga, NSW weighing 37kg, which returned $136. Jigsaw Farms at Hensley Park, VIC sold 2090 mixed sex store lambs to a top of $127 for June/July 2017 drop second cross suckers weighing 38kg.
The Tasmanian Sheep sale saw a total consignment of 4097 head. Interstate bidding was rife as 58pc of lots sold were purchased by buyers in NSW, VIC & SA.
Mixed sex store lambs from Avoca sold for $119. The Aug/Sep 2017 drop weighed 39kg and will make the trip to Lavington, NSW. First Cross Ewes & lambs made $275 for a line of 1-2 year old from Fingal. Similarly, they’ll make the trip to the mainland to Warrnambool, VIC.
- Next Tuesday’s weekly sheep and lamb sales will be the last regular sales for 2017. Normal weekly sales recommence on Tuesday, 9 January.
Source: AuctionsPlus