Nutrition & Animal Health

Ewe and lamb survival tools are webinar focus

Sheep Central April 14, 2021

TOOLS to optimise ewe and lamb survival and manage risk will be outlined in a webinar next week.

The Best Practice Lambing webinar with its question and answer panel on Wednesday, 21 April at 8pm AEDT is the latest in the Meat & Livestock Australia series.

MLA said breeding ewes are an important asset for sheep enterprises, and late pregnancy and lambing were the highest risk periods for mortalities.

In the webinar, Mary McQuillan from Livestock Logic in Hamilton, Victoria, will share the findings of recent Australian studies uncovering the major causes of ewe mortality before and during lambing.

The expert speakers panel will also discuss the ‘big hitters’ affecting ewes in different production systems, and delve into the tools available for sheep enterprises to manage risk and optimise survival of ewes and their lambs.

The expert panel will include Caroline Jacobson from Murdoch University, Western Australia; Paul Nilon – Nilon Farm Health, Tasmania, and; Gordon Refshauge – NSW Department of Primary Industries, New South Wales.

Questions for the expert panel can be sent to [email protected] 

To register for the webinar, click on this link


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