
Emma wins Woolproducers Australia youth ambassador role

Sheep Central August 22, 2022

New Woolproducers youth ambassador Emma Turner

ELDERS district wool manager at Mildura Emma Turner is the new WoolProducers Australia youth ambassador.

WoolProducers chief executive officer Jo Hall said the youth ambassador position offers people aged 18 -35 years the opportunity to learn and understand the policy cycle and how a board works, so that they understand how policy is developed in the best interests of industry.

The Raising the Baa Program was established under the Leadership in Agriculture Fund announced by the Commonwealth government in 2017. This grant has now ceased; however, given the success of the youth ambassador component of the project, the WoolProducers executive has agreed to maintain the role to encourage young industry people to learn more about policy development.

“Not only does the youth ambassador position provide experience to the participants, but we as an organisation learn a lot and benefit from, having input from our Youth Ambassadors during policy deliberations,” Ms Hall said.

Ms Turner has extensive experience within industry, including leadership positions, while policy development experience will add to her already impressive credentials.

“I’m really looking forward to being involved and understanding how the processes behind a board works, and to gain a broader understanding of policy development and the role it plays within industry,” she said.

“I’m excited for this opportunity and the skills I will gain from this experience and look forward to implementing them within industry in the future.”

Ms Hall said WoolProducers is very pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to young people in our industry and continues to be amazed at the quality of candidates that received each year.

“We are excited to work with Emma over the next 12-months and beyond and look forward to hearing her important insights to assist industry policy development.”

Ms Turner assumes the youth ambassador role from Erin Douglas from Victoria and Makaela Knapp from Western Australia.

“We thank Erin and Makaela for the dedication to the role over the past 12-months and wish them well in their future career paths, which we’re sure includes very positive contributions to our industry,” Ms Hall said.


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