PRICES lifted for crossbred, Merino wether and first cross ewe lambs on AuctionsPlus last week.
Values also improved for scanned in-lamb first crops and shedding breed ewes and unjoined shedding ewes.
AuctionsPlus commercial sheep and lamb listings fell 6 percent to 78,266 head. The smaller offering was met with mixed competition as the overall clearance fell by 5 percent to 45pc, AuctionsPlus said. The Price Over Reserve increased by $12 to average $18 across all listings.
The average price for crossbred lambs rose 15pc, up $16 to $113, with the crossbred lamb indicator shifting from $98 to $113. The ARLI fell 48 cents to average 500c/kg lwt.
Lamb prices rose across all categories except shedders which fell by $16 on average.
Joined and unjoined ewes recorded mixed results. The average price for shedding breed ewes rose $112 to $254, while scanned in-lamb Merino ewes average $143, down $35, for an offering triple that of the previous week.
Sheep and lambs were traded between New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria. Listings fell in NSW and Victoria, but rose in South Australia. Purchases into SA, Victoria and NSW fell, but were marginally higher in Queensland compared with the previous week. Processors purchased 1622 lots and were active across the Merino wether and crossbred lamb listings.
The average price for the smaller crossbred lamb offering increased $16 to $113, for a 79pc clearance. At Illabo in NSW, 635 mixed sex August/Octob3er 2023 drop Poll Merino lambs weighing 35kg lwt made $123, or 348c/kg lwt.
The Merino wether lamb offer last week more than doubled from 8619 to 20,109. The average prices achieved was nominally higher ($3), but clearance rose 8pc to 54pc as buyers and sellers came to the table with intent this week, AuctionsPlus said. At Yass in NSW, 250 June-July 2023 drop Merino wethers weighing 29kg lwt sold for $77 or 263c/kg lwt to a buyer at Goulburn, NSW.
The Merino ewe hogget dropped 43pc to 3495 head. Prices fell sharply, from $43-$54 lower on average. However, AuctionsPlus said this didn’t help the clearance. Only 14 percent sold, compared with 52pc the previous week. This week’s low clearance across a smaller market offering reflects a mismatch between sellers’ reserves and buyers’ willingness to pay, AuctionsPlus said.
Note: Prices as at 5pm Thursday, 29th February 2024