
Bushfire recovery sessions extended to Kangaroo Island

Sheep Central March 13, 2020

BUSHFIRE-AFFECTED livestock producers on South Australia’s Kangaroo Island will be able to access several recovery information sessions next week.

Recovery sessions have been underway for livestock producers in New South Wales’ Hunter, Murray and Riverina regions this week, and similar events are planned for the Adelaide Hills and Keilira regions of South Australia later in March.

Additional forums will also be held in NSW and Victoria in the coming weeks. Dates and locations will be announced once confirmed.

The recovery information sessions are being held throughout bushfire and drought-impacted regions around Australia to help livestock producers get ‘back to business’ following natural disasters.

MLA said experts will be on hand to offer practical advice, tools and information on livestock nutrition, water access and quality, mental health support services and accessing financial and government assistance.

The recovery information sessions on Kangaroo Island are being hosted by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), its subsidiary Integrity Systems Company, Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA), Livestock SA and Agriculture Kangaroo Island (Ag KI) with support from industry partners including Dairy Australia and Australian Wool Innovation.

MLA is continuing to work in conjunction state government departments and farming organisations in NSW, South Australia and Victoria to schedule additional sessions in impacted regions.

“These sessions will allow local farming communities across Kangaroo Island to come together to discuss planning for recovery and setting priorities,” Livestock SA President, Joe Keynes, said.

“Following previous fires, sessions such as these have been seen as very valuable in allowing locals to discuss the issues of recovery and to identify challenges and solutions. Experts are on hand to offer practical advice.”

The sessions are open to livestock producers and are free of charge. The initial forums on Kangaroo Island will be held on:

March 16, Stokes Bay / Middle River, 6pm

March 17, Duncan, 8am

March 17, Vivonne Bay / Karatta, 6pm

March 18, Kohinoor / Menzies, 8am

March 18, Parndana, 6pm

For meeting locations and to register, visit or @AgricultureKI on Facebook.
For more details visit the MLA website, call Livestock SA on 08 8297 2299 or email [email protected]


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