Domestic Lamb

Branded lamb entries wanted for annual Queensland awards

Sheep Central February 3, 2025


AUSTRALIAN beef and lamb suppliers have been invited to benchmark their branded products in the Royal Queensland Branded Beef and Lamb Awards.

Entries for the awards are open until 6 March in time for judging to start on 24 March, with presentations on 16 April.

The award judging will be conducted by 19 food experts, including award-winning chefs, premium butchers and industry leaders. The winner of the 2024 branded lamb award was Tasmanian Quality Meats.

The 2025 competition will feature three branded lamb classes, including one specifically for the restaurant trade, and five classes in branded beef, including grain-fed, grass-fed and Wagyu.

Chief judge Elaine Millar said the quality of the entries received each year was exceptional.

“I am constantly overwhelmed by the resilience demonstrated by our agricultural community and the perseverance of its people through ongoing challenges including crippling drought, extreme floods, devastating fires and an unstable export market,” she said.

“Considering this difficult landscape, even more extraordinary is how our beef and lamb exhibitors deliver unprecedented growth in quality, year on year, to arguably produce the best beef globally.”

All entries will be prepared for judging by food scientists following Meat Standards Australia and Department of Agriculture and Fisheries guidelines to ensure consistency.

The meat will be judged based on its appearance (raw), tenderness, flavour, juiciness and overall liking. For more information on the Royal Queensland Awards visit

RNA councillor Kerri Robertson and Tasmanian Quality Meats’ Jake Oliver – winner of the 2024 Champion Branded Lamb award.



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