Barry’s bird unrepentant.
THE mystery man who flipped the bird at Australia’s Prime Minister in parliament on Tuesday is a proud shearer disappointed Anthony Albanese did not acknowledge the Keep the Sheep contingent as guests.
Barry – not his real name — was in Canberra with the Western Australian Keep the Sheep contingent at the National Farmer Rally, protesting at the government’s live sheep export phaseout policy and other policies affecting farmers.
“Basically he (Prime Minister Anthony Albanese) is flipping the bird at our industry or snubbing his nose at it,” he said.
Barry said the Keep the Sheep supporters knew they were not allowed to speak while in parliament’s public gallery.
“So I guess sign language was my only other way of letting him know that I was one very very disappointed taxpayer and Australian citizen that works his backside off to make a better life for me and the people around me.”
Barry told Sheep Central he is a very proud shearer with 26 years in the trade.
“I love my job, I love my farmers, I love my rural communities and I’m very good at what I do – it’s a craft, a form of art to be honest, shearing a sheep.
Barry was part of a group of people from the Keep the Sheep contingent that attended the National Farmer Rally and then went into parliament’s public gallery to watch question time.
“We were peacefully rallying away and trying to save our industry which is ‘Keep the Sheep.”
The shearer said he is confident any other group would have been acknowledged aand welcomed.
“And he didn’t do that and that’s OK.
“But then the Opposition were asking him to acknowledge us and some of the questions that were put the Prime Minister about the standards of our animal welfare being much higher than around the world, he wouldn’t admit that.
“And it was really upsetting when he said he went to Kalgoorlie and spoke to sheep farmers.
“Well I’ve been shearing for a long time and to the best of my knowledge that’s mining out at Kalgoorlie,” he said.
“There are no sheep farmers in Kalgoorlie, so why would you say that?
“And what’s even worse is that Minister for Mining and Resources is a Western Australian girl (Madeleine King), so she could have advised the Prime Minister that if you wanted to go to Western Australia and see sheep, don’t go to Kalgoorlie.”
‘Look them in the eye!’ – Littleproud
During question time, Leader of the Nationals David Littleproud said there were farmers in the gallery whose livelihoods depend on the live sheep export industry.
“If the government continues with its ban on live sheep exports, Sudan is one country that will take up Australia’s share of this market. Prime Minister, who has higher animal welfare standards—Sudan or Australia?
Mr Albanese did not address the question, instead saying he had met with the leadership of the National Farmers Federation earlier that morning to discuss the issue, “just as I have had constructive discussions with sheep farmers here in Canberra and with their families in Kalgoorlie.”
Mr Littleproud also asked twice for Mr Albanese to acknowledge the farmers in the gallery.
“Look them in the eye!” Mr Littleproud said.
Mr Albanese said the government was giving certainty to sheep producers in the supply chain by legislating the live sheep trade phaseout.
“We’re investing $107 million to support an orderly and well-planned transition away from what is an already declining trade. That is how you provide support for people. Those opposite know that this trade will not resume. They know that it’s been passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, and they are playing politics rather than delivering,” he said.
PM is not acknowledging the damage being done – Barry
‘Barry’ said some very good questions were put to the Prime Minister, but he was misinformed. Despite being encouraged by the Opposition to address and acknowledge the farmers, the PM wouldn’t, he said.
“It was very very arrogant and it was very disappointing and we decided to leave.
“And even as we walked out, he (the PM) didn’t want to acknowledge us, and he didn’t even want to acknowledge the damage that he is doing with his ideology,” Barry said.
“Our industry is profitable, it’s not costing us money, it’s making this nation money, and in these economic times, I’m not an academic, but I know if you’re making money you’re doing the right thing.
“You try to grow business not close business.”
Barry said he was not trying to be disrespectful to any other minister or the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
“I was merely indicating with sign language to the Prime Minister how disgusted I am in him.”
Barry said he wasn’t aware of any efforts by parliamentary security to find him after the act.
“When I walked out of that gallery, two of the minders that were there to make sure that the people there are behaving themselves nodded and winked and game me the sign of approval.
“That’s coming from two quiet men that probably could have escorted me out if they needed to – they just winked and nodded and wished us all the best,” he said.
“So that shows you how much support that man is getting at the minute.”
Barry said the group passed all the security checks and those with black Keep the Sheep shirt were made to take them and turn them inside out where they stood.
“I wasn’t allowed to wear my T-shirt because it had Keep the Sheep on there – it didn’t save the Merino – to be honest it could have looked like ‘Las Vegas 1982’ or something.
“I wasn’t offered a place to go and get changed, so I had to take my t-shirt off in public and turn it inside out so I could go in and listen to the things that matter,” he said.
Barry said he wasn’t worried about any repercussions.
“I’ve got fairly thick skin, but I would be more concerned for the minister that body shamed me.”
WAFarmers president John Hassell said it was significant that a shearer flipped the bird at the Prime Minister, as the Great Shearers’ Strike in 1891 contributed to the formation of the Australian Labor Party and in 1892 the Manifesto of the Queensland Labour Party was read out under the Tree of Knowledge at Barcaldine.
“It was the shearers that started the Labor Party,” Mr Hassell said.
“To my mind, he (Mr Albanese) has sold the soul of his party.”
Mr Hassell said the Albanese Government is “selling down the drain” shearers and truckers in WA and he believed the promise to shut down the live sheep trade would bring Mr Albanese “undone.”
Flipping the bird not appropriate – Steggall
Independent MP Zali Steggall said that after Mr Littleproud put a question to the Prime Minister and indicated that guests supporting, or objecting, to the live sheep lobby were in the gallery, when they decided to leave, “a gentleman in jeans, black T-shirt, overweight and bald flipped the bird.”
Ms Steggall said she gave the description so the person might be identified from video content.
“I’ve identified the gentleman because, clearly, he has been signed in by a member of parliament to attend the gallery. That conduct is not becoming of a visitor to the chamber. It is a reflection on the Speaker and all of us here, and I do take offence at that behaviour. If we are here to improve standards, it has to come from all, including visitors.” Ms Steggall asked the Speaker if that was appropriate conduct for a signed-in guest in the public gallery.
“I also point out that I do take offence to the threat that was made to me by the Leader of the Nationals—that I should ‘be careful’. That is not appropriate conduct in this chamber.”
Despite the insistence of Liberal MP Sussan Ley that Ms Steggall withdraw her “body shaming remark” the independent refused, saying she would “like the video footage to be identified.”
Barry said his ‘bird’ was not directed at Zali Steggall.
“I’m not an overweight man, I’m just short for my bodyweight, and as far as being bald, I just outgrew my hairline.
“That’s more offensive than flipping the bird at the Prime Minister,” he said.
Barry said the comment was disrespectful and the last thing he expected a member of parliament would say of a guest.
After the Keep Sheep contingent walked out, the Speaker Colin Dick urged all members of the gallery not to interject, converse or signal.
“I further remind all members: if you do invite guests to the gallery, I consider their conduct to be a reflection on you.
“I want to be clear that, if this behaviour continues, the privilege may be revoked, just as it has been done in this term. Visitors of the public are welcome here to observe,” the Speaker said.
The parliament’s public gallery rules states that visitors must undergo secondary security screening, be silent in the galleries; applause is not permitted during proceedings. Visitors must comply with instructions given by security staff and not disrupt proceedings.
Sheep Central emailed questions to Mr Albanese asking why he didn’t acknowledge the Keep the Sheep supporters in the public gallery and why did he not take the opportunity to address farmers at the National Farmer Rally. Sheep Central also sought details on when Mr Albanese met with farmers at Kalgoorlie and who were they.
Looks as though the Tiffany teal Zeggall needs a day on the shearing board. Reckon Barry will show her who is the fittest and fattest. Be a bit too smelly and sweaty for her me thinks.
“I’m not an overweight man, I’m just short for my bodyweight, and as far as being bald, I just outgrew my hairline”…. Love it!
From the very top all the way down….. Labor hates farmers.
When voting, check where their preferences go.
Helen Haines will go Labor I’m pretty sure, and she supports the live sheep phase out.
No votes for Helen this time.
Well done ‘Barry’. This government is only listening to the latte-sipping inner city lefties who wouldn’t know what end of a sheep to feed. As far as you ‘giving the bird’, it’s only what this government is doing to the sheep and wool industry.