Research & Development

AWI Breeding Leadership coming to South Australia next week

Sheep Central February 3, 2020

AWI: no garment innovation focus.

A NEW group of potential wool industry leaders will commune in South Australia next week for an intensive program of leadership development.

The 25 young wool industry participants have been funded by Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) to join the Breeding Leadership program, which is facilitated by Rural Directions Pty Ltd.

Breeding Leadership is a flagship investment under AWI’s Leadership and Capacity Building program and aims to empower young wool industry participants to step into leadership roles within their community and drive the wool industry forward.

AWI chief executive officer Stuart McCullough congratulated the 2020 participants, who come from five states.

“I hope the 2020 group has a fantastic week together and can take some great insights into their vision for the future of wool,” he said.

The participants represent a broad range of roles within the industry and will undertake practical sessions focusing on themselves, their business, their team and the wider industry. Field trips to Michell Wool, various sheep studs and Anlaby Station will expose the young leaders to a range of business strategies and will support their introduction into applied leadership.

The 2020 alumni will grow the list of motivated past participants to close to 200 nationally.

2020 Breeding Leadership participant James Henderson from Lochiel, South Australia is looking forward to the event.

“I think will be a very informative few days meeting some growers and industry professionals.

AWI said this year’s program coincides with prolonged drought and bushfires across many regions, underlining the need for industry wide collaboration and leadership.

Kayla Starkey from Mt Pleasant, SA, said she had never her part of the world as dry as what it is.

“Even dad has said this is the driest he has seen it in the district in his lifetime that he can remember (in 67 years).

“Normally our dams are still holding at a half to a third of their full capacity and we have dams that I have never seen go dry before, go dry.”

Participants are aged between 25 and 35 and this year have come from South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland, Victoria and New South Wales.


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