
AWEX aims for declarations on all Merino and crossbred clips

Terry Sim January 15, 2016

AWEX logo1AUSTRALIA’S wool trading body AWEX wants all clips declared – Merino and crossbred — so buyers have no excuse not to bid on any clip at auction.

That’s was the message from AWEX chief executive officer Mark Grave after the official launch of the 2016 National Wool Declaration campaign – ‘Declaring What the World’s Demanding’.

In an AWEX-first, a key part of the campaign will be the use of customised e-flyers and NWD versions distributed with the help of wool brokers.

AWEX first introduced the NWD in 2008. The On-Farm Integrity Program, which underpins the NWD, commenced in 2010. Since the introduction of the NWD, more than half of all wool offered at auction is now declared.

“The NWD has become one of the integral pieces of information in the wool pipeline that our customers are increasingly demanding.

“The NWD is relevant to all wool, from all breeds of sheep,” Mark Grave said.

The “proof of the pudding” will be in ensuring NWD use continued to rise, but uptake fell below 50pc between 2008 and 2014.

“We are now sitting at 53pc,” he said.

Of the 53pc declared, 87pc is wool 24.5 microns and finer, and 13pc are clips 24.6 microns and broader. So there is room for improvement, Mr Grave said.

“Some people thought the NWD was just about Merino sheep; it’s not.

“It’s about all sheep and for all wool, so increasing the awareness and what it is about is important to us,” he said.

“We would love to see 100pc of the wool declared because the more people that do it, the less concern there is about it and it actually just makes the story complete.”

Crossbred NWD use is increasing

Mostly Merino clips were being declared, more so than crossbred clips, but NWD use for crossbred wool has increased in the last 12 months, Mr Grave said.

“We had feedback that crossbred growers thought NWDs were just a Merino declaration rather than just a sheep and wool declaration.

“A lot of the crossbreds, particularly in the lambs, all come from terminal sires,” he said.

“So it is a case of making them understand that wool buyers and processors buy wool regardless of the sheep that it comes from and we want them to be involved.

“The important thing here is we want to make sure that we’ve got a complete story out there (in the market), that if buyers are looking for something, different avenues and pieces of information – we don’t want to give anyone an excuse not to bid on wool.”

Personalised e-flyers for brokers

Mr Grave said the “customised e-flyers” are personalised and contain a message of support direct from each wool broker.

“The aim of the campaign is to create greater awareness and understanding of the NWD amongst wool growers.

“The support of the Australian wool industry organisations is critical to increasing the awareness of the NWD,” he said.

“The message of the campaign is strong and having the additional support of customers, through the supply chain, adds weight to the campaign ‘Declaring What the World’s Demanding’.”

The ‘NWD (version 6.2)’, ‘How to Complete the NWD Correctly’ and the ‘NWD Integrity Program Brochure’ are available from the AWEX web site: and all wool brokers and private treaty merchants.

The 2016 NWD Campaign is proudly supported by Australian wool industry organisations and key stakeholders through the supply chain. They include: Australian Council of Wool Exporters and Processors Inc; Australian Superfine Wool Growers Association Inc; Australian Wool Exchange Limited; Australian Wool Innovation; Australian Wool Testing Authority Ltd; Federation of Australian Wool Organisations; Inland Wool Brokers Association; Private Treaty Wool Merchants of Australia Inc; The National Council of Wool Selling Brokers of Australia, and; WoolProducers Australia.

Source: AWEX


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  1. Tony Benson, January 21, 2016

    53 percent (completing NWDs) means 47pc of wool growers are not completing a declaration. Why when sheep meat producers do it 100pc of the time?

  2. Larry Bruce, January 19, 2016

    Should be compulsory for woolgrowers to dag their sheep prior to shearing. If you want to “Keep The Clip Clean ” you don’t need a bale of dags per day to be handled by the already busy woolhandlers. The Guesser. !!!

  3. Edward H Wymer., January 15, 2016

    Excellent idea, this is how it should be. Now to make skirting of fleeces compulsory and things would be really looking up.

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