
Australian broadacre farm survey underway

Sheep Central June 23, 2014

Wheat and other crops, mixed livestock, sheep and beef farmers will be key participants with the start of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) annual broadacre farm survey.

ABARES Executive Director, Karen Schneider, said the information collected in the survey is important for governments and industry.

“Farmers play a key role in the collection of ABARES data, which is used to develop policy and to help prioritise investment in programmes designed to assist farmers and the agriculture sector,” Ms Schneider said.

“Letters have been sent to selected farmers asking them to participate in the survey to help us build an accurate picture of the financial and production performance of broadacre farms.”

Authorised survey collection officers will visit around 1600 farms between July and November to collect physical, financial and management information. All information provided will remain confidential and survey findings will not identify individuals or their businesses.

Ms Schneider said participating farm businesses will receive a report that contains their farm survey results, together with the average results for their region.

“Participation in the survey is voluntary. However, the success of the survey, and hence its value to industry members, depends on the cooperation of those participants selected to represent their industry,” Ms Schneider said.

“Participants are also eligible for free registration at their nearest ABARES Regional Outlook conference to hear about forecasts for key agricultural commodities, an economic overview, local challenges and innovations by regional business people.”

The ABARES annual broadacre industries survey is funded by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Meat & Livestock Australia and the Grains Research & Development Corporation.

Source: ABARES



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