
Australia to send another million LSD doses for Indonesia

Sheep Central March 17, 2023

Minister for Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry Murray Watt addresses a packed house at the NT conference.

AUSTRALIA will provide another one million doses of Lumpy Skin Disease vaccine to Indonesia, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Murray Watt said at the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association conference in Darwin today.

An initial 500,000 vaccine doses will be delivered in the coming months to meet Indonesia’s immediate need with more to follow throughout the year.

Mr Watt said the one million LSD vaccine doses were in addition to the 435,000 LSD doses Australia provided to Indonesia in 2022, along with four million doses of Foot and Mouth Disease vaccine.

The minister said the vaccines were a key part of the Australian Government’s on-going support to Indonesia as they battle outbreaks of LSD and FMD.

“Effective biosecurity is underpinned by strong partnerships,” he said.

“These vaccines will provide important support to Indonesia as it works to curb the spread of the disease—work that is essential to reduce the impact of the disease in Indonesia as well as the risk of LSD entering Australia.

“Australia has been working closely with Indonesia to support their efforts to combat the outbreak of LSD,” Mr Watt said.

“We continue to have ongoing engagement with technical support and further vaccines to be delivered throughout the year.”

Mr Watt said LSD and FMD present the most significant threats to Australia’s biosecurity integrity in decades.

“LSD is a major threat to Australian’s livestock industry and our national economy.

“It causes milk production losses and skin sores in cattle and water buffalo, and can be spread through mosquitoes, flies and ticks,” he said.

“And it would have very significant trade impacts, affecting exports of live animals, beef and dairy products, genetic material and hides.

“It’s important to remember that Australia has never experienced an outbreak of LSD and remains free from this disease.”

Mr Watt said Australia’s close proximity to neighbouring countries responding to the disease outbreaks meant it needed to take the threat seriously.

“The Albanese Government will continue to work in close partnership with our regional neighbours, national industries and all state and territory governments to reduce the risk of this disease reaching our shores.”

For more information about the threat of LSD to Australia, visit:



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