Wool Market Reports

AuctionsPlus Wool achieves 70pc recess sale clearance

Sheep Central August 4, 2015

AuctionsPlus-Wool-logoAUCTIONSPLUS Wool cleared 70 percent of a 3638-bale offering in its annual recess sale week.

AuctionsPlus Wool market operations officer Tom Rookyard said 11 national buyers competed actively on the 665 lots offered across 120 grower clips.

“The sale had a range of super fine fleece wool through to Tukidale carpet wool, covering the complete range of Australian types.

“Wool was available from every main land state in Australia,” he said.

APlus Wool Region Aug3-15

Selected Merino lines sell well on AuctionsPlus Wool

“In general buyers commented that bidding was on par with closing physical auction prices, with some selected Merino fleece lines attaining dear levels.

“Brokers also commenting that cross bred wool was achieving above anticipated value,” Mr Rookyard said.

APlus Wool TopPrices Aug3-15Top prices included 14.5 micron Merino fleece wool making 1652c/kg clean for the brand DC & BM/Brae-View offered by Jemalong Wool. The line had 0.6 percent vegetable matter and was 77mm long. The same grower attained top prices for Merino skirtings, with their 16.7 micron Merino bellies making 1283 cents clean. This was a great result for the broker and the grower, Mr Rookyard said.

APlus Wool category Aug3-15The top-priced crossbred combing fleece was a 23.6 micron line branded Wooldana/M offered by A. R. Rhodes that made 1024 cents clean. The top crossbred fleece lot was 24.9 micron weaners fleece, branded Currawong Past Trust and offered by Jemalong. Merino crutchings made to 1187 cents for an 18.1 micron ACY (Australian Carbonizing Yield) line branded SWWRF and offered by RuralCo.

Wooltrade 17 micron fleece sells to 1433 cents

Wooltrade logoIn the final week of the winter recess Wooltrade sold 17 micron fleece for 1433 cents and 18 micron wool for 1401 cents clean. The top 20 micron lines made to 1318 cents and the 21 micron fleece sold to 1297 cents.

Mr Rookyard said the physical wool auctions start around Australia this week after the three-week winter recess.

“Reports indicate that the market should open at similar levels to the close this week, with 44,000 bales on offer nationally.”

Click here for the Wooltrade Top Prices sale E05-15 summary.

Source: AuctionsPlus, Wooltrade.


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