
AuctionsPlus sells nearly 700 bales as wool auction prices surge

Sheep Central May 14, 2018

WOOL buyers stepped up their online AuctionsPlus bale purchases as the physical auction market lifted to a record level last week.

AuctionsPlus market operations supervisor Tom Rookyard said with the AWEX Eastern Market Indicator lifting 55 cents to 1891c/kg clean, and Western Australia’s indicator rising 66 cents to 2018c/kg clean, online bale sales also increased.

“The strong market flowed onto AuctionsPlus Wool, with 681 bales selling consistently throughout the week,” he said.

Mr Rookyard said the market spike has been impacted by a lower Australian-US dollar exchange rate, which got as low as US74 cents.

The top-priced online lot was a single bale of 14 micron Australian superfine Merino weaners’ fleece that sold for 2500c/kg greasy, or 3487c/kg clean. The lot had yielded 71.7 percent, with an average staple length of 70mm, a tensile strength of 32 Newtons/kilotex and a low 0.5 percent vegetable matter content. It was branded D&D/B and sold by Australian Wool Network.

A nine-bale line of 15.7 micron fleece with a yield of 75.3, length of 108mm, tensile strength of 24N/kt and 0.5pc vm sold for 2383c/kg greasy, or 3165c/kg clean.

A seven-bale line of 16.6 micron AAAM was sold for 1900c/kg greasy or 2819c/kg clean. The line had a yield of 67.4pc, a staple length of 81mm, with a tensile strength of 22N/kt and 0.4pc vm.

An 11-bale line of 18.6 micron AAAM with a yield of 75pc, an average staple length of 93mm, a tensile strength of 32N/kt and 0.7pc vm made 1650c/kg greasy, or 2200c/kg clean.

A six-bale line of 19.1 micron AAAM was sold for 1470c/kg greasy, or 2112c/kg clean. The line had a yield of 69.6pc, an average staple length of 91mm, a tensile strength of 33N/kt and 0.7pc vm.

An 11-bale line of 20.2 micron AAAM with a yield of 75.3pc, an average staple length of 104mm, a tensile strengt5h of 40N/kt and 0.3pc vm sold for 1512c/kg greasy, or 2008c/kg clean.

A 13-bale line of 21 micron AAAM was sold for 1392c/kg greasy or 2026c/kg clean. It had a yield of 68.7pc, an average staple length of 87mm, a tensile strength of 41N/kt and 1.5pc vm.

Merino pieces sell to 1307c/kg greasy

Merino pieces sold online to a top price of 1307c/kg greasy, or 2215c/kg clean, for a two-bale line of 17.5 micron skirtings, with a yield of 59pc, an average staple length of 65mm, a tensile strength of 33N/kt and 1.6pc vm. This lot was offered by Moses and Son and branded J&C.

A three-bale line of 18.1 micron AAAMPCS sold for 1200c/kg greasy, or 2073c/kg clean. The line had a yield of 57.9pc, an average staple length of 79mm, tensile strength of 30N/kt and 3.2pc vm.

An 11-bale of 19.4 micron AAAMPCS with a yield of 62.5pc, average staple length of 88mm, tensile strength of 28N/kt and 1.6pc vm sold for 1220c/kg greasy, or 1952c/kg clean.

A three-bale line of 20.2 micron pieces made 1040c/kg greasy, or 1675c/kg clean. The line yielded 62.1pc, with an average staple length of 86mm, tensile strength of 25N/kt and 6.2pc vm.

Mr Rookyard said with a smaller offering of about 36,000 bales nationally.

“The early reports from the physical auctions is that this lack of supply will no doubt pressure prices for buyers and exporters, which has already be seen online with just under 50 bales being purchased on Monday,” he said.

Source: AuctionsPlus.


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