
AuctionsPlus online wool sales start strong in 2022

Sheep Central February 14, 2022

ONLINE wool selling has had a huge start in 2022, with AuctionsPlus selling 3620 bales in January – a 375 percent improvement on December 2021 sales.

AuctionsPlus said the January sales can be largely attributed to the confidence that resulted in a steady rise in prices throughout the month, as buyers and brokers returned after the holiday season and physical auction centres reopened.

As usual, a broad range of microns dominated the offer board from a low of 14 micron to a high of 30.8 micron, AuctionsPlus said. The week starting Monday 10 January recorded the most volume traded on the platform, with just under 1200 bales sold for that week. Overall, the top price for the month was a 14 micron AAASUP fleece lot with 1pc vegetable matter that made 3255c/kg greasy under the brand Cressbrook. It was offered by Nutrien in New South Wales.

AuctionsPlus said it will be interesting to see if the wool prices translate into higher prices at a number of Merino stud sales being interfaced with the online platform.

Source – AuctionsPlus.


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