GREAT photographs of stock agents, the land and livestock are being sought for the 2021 Australian Livestock and Property Agents Association’s 2021 photography competition.
The 2021 ALPA photography competition is focussing on the three categories of stock, station and the agent to capture the amazing experiences and landscapes and the many and varied aspects of the profession.
ALPA said photos for the competition must reflect the life of an agent. It might be taken across the paddocks, at saleyards, a shearing shed, sheep or cattle yards, mustering, drafting pens, transporting, the main street, a wool sale, as long as it is agency-related, the association said.
“Being a national competition we are hoping for some amazing images and we value your participation.
“Feel free to send as many photos as you wish, you are not restricted to one photo, but it must be your own work,” ALPA said.
To enter the ALPA photo competition, simply email your captioned photos and nominated category, with the subject “ALPA photo comp” to [email protected] and follow the Terms and Conditions below for a chance to win.
All photo finalists will have their images featured in the 2021 ALPA Annual Report.
Stock category – livestock related images $50 gift voucher
Station category – rural scenes $50 gift voucher
Agent category – life of an agent $100 gift voucher
Overall winner will receive an additional $300 gift voucher
All gift vouchers to be spent with an ALPA Supporter:
Terms and conditions for 2021 ALPA photo competition:
- All entries must include:
photographer’s name, category: stock / station / agent, image title, ALPA member business name and entrant’s contact details. Entries must be high resolution images. If these details are not provided the entry will not be accepted.
- All photos submitted must be from an ALPA member. The photos must be the work of the photographer and owner of the copyright of any image submitted.
- All entrants acknowledge that any photos submitted for entry into the competition become the property of Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association Ltd (ALPA) and may be used for future marketing/advertising purposes.
- The deadline for photos is Friday 23 July 2021 no later than 5.00 pm.
- The photos will be judged by an independent selection panel appointed by ALPA.
- Category winners and the overall winner will be awarded a gift voucher from their preferred ALPA supporter (limited to Akubra, Allflex, Quadrant AgTours, RM Williams, Tenterfield Saddler).
- ALPA reserves the right to the final decision and discretion on the final photo chosen.
- ALPA reserves the right to decide upon which photos will be utilised, such decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
The ALPA photograph finalists will be announced in September, on completion of the ALPA Annual Report.
Photos can be shared on social media using the hashtag #ALPAsnapshot, and tag ALPA on Instagram (@alpa_agents) and Facebook (@ALPAagents)