Farmers talk pastures during a paddock walk.
WEED control options to maximise perennial pasture growth will be discussed at an update session at Stawell in Victoria next month.
The pasture update hosted by the Grassland Society of Southern Australia and Perennial Pasture Systems for Meat and Livestock Australia will help Stawell district farmers to plan for the season and improve their weed control options.
It will be held at the Stawell Town Hall on Thursday April 12 from 4pm-8.30pm. The update will also raise awareness of research outputs from MLA and partners, showcase producers who have made successful on-farm changes and highlight improved pasture technologies.
PPS member Charlie de Fegely will facilitate the panel comprising David Brady from Landmark, Cam Conboy from Gorst Rural, Ben Cordes from Tylers Rural and Gerard O’Brien from Western Ag.
PPS president Tony Roberts said the agronomists would discuss topical issues that affect local producers.
“The pasture update presentations will give producers and advisors a great chance to get an insight into topics that will help them set up for a successful 2018.
“The agronomist panel will help refine weed control options which will keep perennial pastures in top order,” Mr Roberts said.
Each agronomist will discuss a specific topic and answer questions from the floor. Topics will include winter cleaning, strategies and options for topping, hay options and whether cutting early to reduce annual seed set is effective, new chemical options for perennial pastures, and the role of over-sowing annual into perennial pastures.
The program will also include a presentation by Cameron Allan from MLA, who will outline the MLA’s latest pasture trial and research findings.
Two regional demonstration projects will feature in the update. Lisa Miller will present year one results from the PPS high production annuals in the perennial system sites and Steve Cotton from Dynamic Ag Consulting will unveil the first year results of the Willaura Best Wool Best Lamb group’s improving twin lamb survival project. Both projects are part of the MLA Producer Demonstration Scheme program.
Dr Cotton will also present details on phalaris staggers/ sudden death and other plant induced diseases.
The Pasture Update includes afternoon tea and dinner and costs $25 for Grassland Society and PPS members and MLA levy payers, or $50 for non-members.
To RSVP, contact GSSA Secretary Melinda Caspersz 1300 137 550 [email protected] or for further information contact PPS project manager Rob Shea on 0438 521 357.