Here are some tips designed to help readers of Beef Central get the most out of their interaction with the site. If you have a question and can’t find the answer below, please email us at [email protected]
The ‘Beef Central’ leather jeans patch logo located at the top left corner of our website has special significance as a user navigational tool.
In addition to identifying the site, the device is also an important and easy way to return to the home page.
Regardless of where you are on the network of sub-pages, clicking on the ‘Beef Central’ patch will always return you directly to the site’s home-page, listing today’s latest news.
Remember: the jeans patch is your friend!
Looking for an item on a specific topic, but can’t remember when it appeared on the site? Try using the search function, located at the top right of each page. Select a key word that is likely to have appeared in the headline, i.e. ‘diesel’, ‘Wagyu’, ‘Korea’ and all articles carrying that word in the headline will be presented from the archive.
To receive an email each morning so you can quickly scan the day’s important beef industry headlines in your email inbox, enter your email address in the “Stay up to date” box at the right hand side of the home page. All email addresses registered with Beef Central are protected under anti-spam and privacy laws.
If you have subscribed to Beef Central, but have not yet received a daily news email, please check your email account’s “spam” or “junk email” folder. While we respect and work within Australia’s anti-spam regulations, our emails can still sometimes be mis-identified by some email programs as spam. If your email system has drafted emails from BeefCentral into your spam or junk folder, you can adjust the settings to prevent this from happening in future. For assistance on how to do this with your particular email program, please contact us at [email protected]
To receive weather information tailored to your specific location on the home page, click on the word “weather” at the top of the weather box in the upper right hand corner of the page.
A new text box will appear that asks you to enter a location. Type in either your local postcode or the name of the town that is closest to you, and weather information for your area, wherever you are in Australia, will then appear.
The system will also save your settings so the weather for your area will automatically appear every time your return to Beef Central.
If you click on the tab that says “more weather” you will receive a detailed three-day forecast for your specific area.
Some readers with more modern operating systems have asked why the Beef Central page image does not occupy the entire area of their computer screen. The answer is that computer monitor dimensions over the years have changed. Older monitors are squarer in format than later generation ones, which are more elongated.
Mindful that many Beef Central website visitors in the bush may still be using older format screens, we took the decision to adopt a standard dimension that is acceptable to older equipment. By extension, that means newer monitors will have a narrow vacant area to either side of the active screen zone.
Site visitors using modern monitors, however, can easily adjust their screen percentage if they so choose. For those using an Internet Explorer browser, simply click on the ‘zoom’ reference inside to ‘tools’ icon, at the top of the page. Google Chrome users can click on the spanner icon in the top right hand corner and increase the viewing percentage.
At some future time, Beef Central will make a decision to move to a more modern standard screen format, as older monitors are replaced. Readers will be advised well in advance of any change.
For ease-of-use and clarity, Beef Central recommends the investment in buying a replacement wide-dimension screen (which are priced from approximately $150) to enrich your experience when visiting the site, and the web generally.
If you have encountered any problems while trying to connect to or subscribe to Beef Central, or if you have any feedback about our site or suggestions on stories we should consider, please drop us a line at [email protected]