Terry Sim – Editor


Terry Sim has had a lifelong engagement with the Victorian sheep and wool industry.

He grew-up on his family’s sheep and lamb property near Macarthur, and has run his own sheep flock since childhood.

He started, straight out of school, as a copy-boy on News Ltd’s Melbourne Truth newspaper, where he cut his teeth in publishing, before moving ‘home’ to the Warrnambool Standard where he worked as a journalist for several years.

At 21 he went jackarooing in the Northern Territory, before working for some years on stations mustering goats around Broken Hill, and sheep on the family property.

For seven years from 1985, Terry held a position with the Australian Cashmere Marketing Corporation, as a classer and development officer, before spending four years in Western Australia as the WA Cashmere Pool manager. He then spent four years in the United States in a similar role, as manager of the Cashmere America grower cooperative.

In 1996 Terry returned to Australia to re-engage with agricultural journalism, working for 13 years as editor of the Warrnambool Standard’s widely respected rural supplement, “On The Land”.

For three years to 2011 he worked for Victoria’s Stock and Land newspaper, including a year as Rural Press Group Sheep and Wool writer, before moving to News Ltd’s Weekly Times, as a senior livestock reporter based out of Hamilton.

For the past year, between freelance writing jobs, he also worked for noted sheep and cattle operations including Telopea Downs, Boorook, Weerangourt and the Midfield properties in south-west Victoria.

In addition to managing his own flock, Terry enjoys breeding working kelpies, competes in yard trials and sells through the Casterton Working Dog Auction. He lives at Macarthur, near Hamilton, in Victoria’s heartland lamb and wool country.





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