
LLS to run free exotic disease preparedness sessions in western NSW

Sheep Central August 3, 2022

WESTERN New South Wales landholders can attend free information sessions on preparation and management of an emergency animal disease outbreak at Broken Hill and Ivanhoe this month.

The sessions start next week and will be facilitated by Local Land Services district veterinarians and biosecurity officers.

They will focus on:

  • learning more about Foot and Mouth Disease and Lumpy Skin Disease and what prevention work is underway
  • finding out how to identify these diseases and know what to do if they suspect cases
  • finding out what they can do on their farm
  • hearing what Local Land Services does to prevent Emergency Animal Diseases
  • hearing about the work of Local Land Services in pest animal control.

Western Local Land Services district veterinarian Zi Yi Lim said these sessions will be a great opportunity for landholders to ask questions and has encouraged as many as possible to attend a local event.

“It’s critical landholders have the information they need to not only recognise the signs of these devastating livestock diseases, but also how to put measures in place to help protect their farms from biosecurity threats,” Dr Lim said.

“We all have a role when it comes to biosecurity and safeguarding our state and these information sessions will be a great way of bringing everyone together and promote a coordinated approach.”

Information sessions will be taking place at:

  • Broken Hill – 4pm, Wednesday 10 August – Broken Hill Sturt Club
  • Ivanhoe – 4pm, Wednesday 17 August – Ivanhoe RSL

Register your interest for an upcoming event by visiting RSVP is essential.

Information sessions will be delivered in all 11 Local Land Services regions over the coming weeks.

“Local Land Services staff will also be attending saleyards, local shows and smaller local gatherings to ensure there are plenty of opportunities for farmers to speak with us about these issues,” Dr Lim said.

The information sessions will support ongoing surveillance work by Local Land Services district veterinarians, who regularly carry out animal disease investigations across the state.

Any signs of Foot and Mouth Disease or Lumpy Skin Disease seen in livestock must be reported to the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline on 1800 675 888 or their Local Land Services district veterinarian.

For more information on foot-and-mouth disease and lumpy skin disease visit


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