Jim Meckiff from JM Livestock, Wagga Wagga, taking midside samples from the Temora MLP site ewes.
NEW South Wales and Western Australian wool producers will this month get their last opportunity to view ewes in the Merino Lifetime Productivity Project trials at Temora and Pingelly.
On Friday 14 October, the final MLP field day will be held at the MerinoLink site at Temora, NSW, after a celebratory dinner the night before. Click here to see the full details on the field day flyer.
A week later the final Pingelly MLP site field day will be held on 21 October in WA. Click here to see the full details on the field day.
Australian Merino Sire Evaluation Association executive officer Ben Swain said the field days will be the last opportunity for people to view the now 5.5. and 6.5 year-old ewes in their respective sire groups, with the latest set of results available.
“After the field days they will be shorn one last time in the MLP project and that is where the data collection stops.”
Mr Swain spent two days last week at the Temora site collecting midside samples and taking photos of some of the interesting MerinoLink ewes.
The two days mean that three of the five national MLP sites will be finished, with the Balmoral site concluding earlier this year. The other NSW MLP sites at Chissick in the New England area and at Trangie have another 12 months to run.

Four Temora MLP site ewes that record high fleece weight and high reproduction figures.