
Welcome to Sheep Central!

Sheep Central July 9, 2014

WELCOME to Sheep Central, the first and only online daily news service dedicated solely to Australia’s wool, lamb and sheepmeat industries.

Sheep Central is a sister publication to Beef Central, launched three years ago.

Sheep-Central-Logo-Timber-cleanWhy Sheep Central? The reasons are really exactly the same as those that led to the launch of Beef Central in 2011.

Firstly, there is a global shift occurring from traditional print news platforms to online news. Agriculture, faced with distance, remoteness and transport challenges, is ideally suited to the rapid dissemination of important industry information via the web.

Secondly, existing rural media services in Australia focus on particular States or agricultural regions, while attempting to cover a broad suite of commodities. We have long felt that a need existed for dedicated, targeted rural news services that specialise in covering single commodity areas in greater detail, using specialist writers to deliver the depth of news, content and perspective that readers deserve and need in their daily business decision-making.

Like Beef Central, Sheep Central’s daily news service will be written by some of Australia’s most experienced livestock industry journalists and commentators, who will focus on nothing other than writing the news that matters to sheep and wool industry stakeholders.

Editor Terry Sim has a deep connection with the sheepmeat and wool industries across Australia, and has gained widespread respect from industry stakeholders having worked as a specialist sheep and wool writer in print media for the past 15 years. He is also an active sheep producer at Macarthur in Victoria.


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And like Beef Central, Sheep Central will be free for readers to access and use, both online and via regular emailed news headlines alerts.

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 – James Nason and Jon Condon, Publishers 







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