
Weekly rainfall update + rainfall outlook 9 July 2024

Bureau of Meteorology July 10, 2024

WEEKLY rainfall totals of 25-50 mm have been recorded in many areas of the eastern half of South Australia, south-western Queensland, western New South Wales, and much of the east coast.

Weekly totals of 50-100 mm were recorded in areas of inland Queensland and New South Wales, with small pockets of more than 100 mm in north-eastern coastal Queensland.

The subtropical ridge has remained further south than usual at this time of year, producing clear skies and settled dry weather with warm days and cold nights across the south-east.

Persistent easterly/south-easterly onshore winds caused by a strengthening of the subtropical ridge brought showers to the east coast, setting several July daily rainfall records for coastal Queensland and New South Wales.

On 7 and 8 July, an inland trough passed through South Australia, south-western Queensland, and western New South Wales, bringing rainfall and thunderstorms to those regions and resulting in a number of daily rainfall records for July.

A cold front swept through south-west Western Australia and brought 10 to 25 mm of rainfall to coastal regions.

Tully Sugar Mill in north-eastern Queensland had the highest daily rainfall total at a Bureau rain gauge, of 132.0 mm in the 24 hours to 9 am on 6 July, and also the highest weekly total of 180.0 mm.




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