
Victorian sheep producers to demonstrate lamb survival options

Sheep Central April 24, 2018

A lamb shelters in a tall wheat grass hedgerow.

SOUTH-WEST Victorian sheep producers will investigate new options to minimise wind chill and maximise lamb birthweight at two field days in the next week.

The field days at Bestwool Bestlamb-Meat & Livestock Australia producer demonstration sites at Gatum near Cavendish on Friday April 27 and at Warrock near Casterton on Tuesday May 1 will include sessions on district wind chill measurement, impacts and economics.

Lambing shelter options to be demonstrated include hay bales, tall wheat grass and wood shrub (Dorycnium) hedgerows. Landowners will be available at both sites to discuss tall wheat grass and shrub hedgerow establishment.

Speakers will include Meridian Agriculture’s Andrew Speirs and Grace Calder from Agriculture Victoria, Ballarat.

The April 27 field on the ‘Coonara’ property of Kym Lyons at Gatum will start at 2.30pm and finish at 4.30pm and is being hosted by Cavendish Bestwool Bestlamb Group.

The May 1 field will start at the Currie family’s ‘Lyndoch Park’ property wool shed at 11am and finish at 1.30pm.

Producers interested in attending the days should register with Grace Calder on 0429 523 317.

Source: Agriculture Victoria.


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