
Victorian fox and wild dog bounty collections start

Sheep Central March 6, 2023

COLLECTIONS for Victoria’s fox and wild dog bounty scheme started in the state’s north-east today.

The collections will then move across the state, with participants being paid $10 for entire fox scalps for a $10 and $120 for entire wild dog body parts.

Participants need to register for the new digital payment system and should refresh their knowledge of the terms and conditions to ensure their submissions are acceptable. Visit:

Agriculture Victoria reminded participants that the Victorian Fox and Wild Dog Bounty is now digital. Agriculture Victoria introduced the new system last year to streamline the application process, reduce wait times at collection centres and allow participants to keep track of bounty applications.

To register for the digital system visit our bounty homepage and follow the prompts.

For assistance, please chat to our bounty collection staff on collections days or call the customer service centre on 136 186.

Acceptable entire fox scalps and entire wild dog body parts will be collected from eligible members of the public at specific dates and times, and from sites scheduled as collection centres. Refer to Bounty terms and conditions for more details.

No entire-fox scalps or entire wild dog body parts will be accepted at any public counter or state government office. Collections will only be accepted at the designated times and locations.

The first collection dates for the respective Victorian regions are: North-east – Tatura, 6 March; Wodonga and Ovens, 7 March; Benalla, Mansfield and Broadford, 8 March. South-west – Ballarat, 14 March; Geelong and Colac, 15 March; Warrnambool and Hamilton 16 March. North-west – Bendigo, 20 march; Swan Hill and Ouyen, 21 March; Horsham, 22 March; St Arnaud, 23 March. South-east – Ellinbank, 27 march; Bairnsdale, 28 March; Maffra and Yarram, 29 March, Woori Yallock, 30 March.


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