
University of Melbourne opens carbon neutral agriculture course

Sheep Central February 17, 2023

Sheep and trees in low carbon farming.

THE University of Melbourne has opened registrations for its carbon neutral agriculture course, which aims to help the industry better its management of emissions.

Most international supply chain companies have now set targets to lower emissions, with agricultural commodity groups matching the targets, with the Australian red meat industry aiming to reach carbon neutrality by 2030.

The two day intensive course will start with an explainer on why the targets are being set, how it might impact the industry and the factors at play in reducing agricultural emissions. The second day looks at baselining farm emissions and gets participants to present their baseline.

Professor Richard Eckard has been running the course for private companies, industry groups and government employees for the past year. He gave Beef Central a rundown on farm emissions last year.

“We had 1000 people go through the course last year and there is 2000 people lined up for 2023,” Prof Eckard said.

“It has been so busy that we have not been able to open the course for the public until now. We have put on another eight consultants, which will help us keep up with the demand.”

Prof Eckard said he had been delivering the course to all sides of the agricultural industry and the organisation had been travelling across the country to deliver it.


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