
South Australia to host LambEx conference in 2026

Sheep Central August 9, 2024

SOUTH Australia has been named as the host state for the LambEx 2026 conference, fresh after hosting the 2024 event for a record 1500 industry participants at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

Kerry Harris, the chair of conference organiser 28 National said conference organisers had delivered a fantastic event in Adelaide which greatly benefited the sheep industry.

28 National is the custodian of LambEx and a wholly-owned subsidiary of peak industry body Sheep Producers Australia.

“28 National is pleased to announce South Australia as host, once again, of LambEx in 2026. I am sure it will be even bigger and better than the amazing 2024 event,” Ms Harris said.

“Feedback from conference attendees over the past three days has been tremendously positive about LambEx 2024 in Adelaide.

“Our event focus is to Inspire, Inform & Innovate and LambEx 2024 has certainly achieved that,” she said.

“We are very confident therefore the 2026 event will also be a success in South Australia.

“I thank the LambEx 2024 organising committee, conference sponsors and all attendees for contributing to what is one of Australia’s premier agriculture sector conferences.”

Ms Harris also indicated 28 National will now be implementing a new governance model for LambEx aimed at ensuring LambEx remains a vital and beneficial event for Australia’s sheep industry for many years to come.

“28 National wants to ensure LambEx remains a staple of Australia’s sheep industry and the broader agriculture sector.

“To achieve this, we need to put in place the best governance arrangements,” Ms Harris said.

“We will be establishing a permanent LambEx Taskforce to organise all conferences.”

She said the LambEx Taskforce will involve skilled industry members from across the nation while also maintaining valuable local input.

“This new conference organising arrangement provides for a sustainable and professional operating model for LambEx conferences with costs streamlined and the ability to contract sponsors and partners over multiple events.”

T28 National said the key aspects of the new LambEx governance model are:

The 28NL board will be responsible for selecting the Host (at least two years prior to the event) through a competitive process.

The 28NL Board will appoint a permanent and national LambEx Taskforce to organise the biennial LambEx conference (replacing a local organising committee).

The LambEx Taskforce will incorporate permanent members from across Australia (skills-based recruitment) and will co-opt fixed-term additional members to capitalise the benefit from local input in the two years leading up to the next LambEx conference.

The chair of the LambEx Taskforce will be a director of the 28NL board. Remaining members will come from fields such as research, extension, education, processing, government and sheep production.

The 28 National Board, through the LambEx Taskforce, will appoint the Professional Conference Organiser for each biennial LambEx conference.

It is anticipated a competitive process for LambEx 2028 will occur in the 12 months leading up to LambEx 2026 with an announcement of the 2028 host at LambEx 2026.


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