
Senate passes accelerated depreciation laws for Australian sheep producers

Powers Financial Group June 17, 2015
An upfront deduction up to $20,000 now applies to small farm asset purchases.

An upfront deduction up to $20,000 now applies to small farm asset purchases.

Tax breaks announced in the 2015 Federal Budget were formally passed by the Senate this week, meaning small businesses can now claim an immediate tax deduction on any asset they buy costing up to $20,000. Here specialist rural accountancy firm Powers Financial Group outlines what the new measures mean for Australian sheep producers.

In light of the recent announcements in the Federal Budget, there has been much discussion relating to accelerated depreciation for primary producers.

These measures will offer great reprieve to Australia’s primary producers, who continue to face unstable income as periods of drought and flood plague the nation. It is extremely important that these new measures be utilised in the best way possible to assist the growth of farming businesses.

The announcements involve multiple forms of accelerated depreciation, which from a glance, can be quite confusing.

Immediate deduction of all assets purchased under $20,000

The first budget measure, which applies to all businesses, is the immediate deduction of all assets purchased for under $20,000. This means that, for small businesses, there is an immediate write-off where any asset is purchased for less than $20,000, not including GST.

Where an asset is worth $20,000 or more, the asset expense cannot be split, thus would be depreciated under the regular rates. A business is considered a small business where turnover is less than $2 million dollars.

Your accountant will be able to advise your eligibility for these deductions. In practical terms, a small sheep farming business can purchase a tractor on 13 June 2015 for $21,999 including GST, an upfront deduction of $19,999 can be deducted in the 2015 tax return. Under the previous measures this would have been deducted at 30 percent.

For primary producers, specific deductions have been introduced which will enable an immediate deduction on fencing and water facilities, and fodder storage assets can be depreciated over three years.

Under the current law, water facilities are deducted over three years and fences over thirty years. As of May 12 2015 water facilities and fencing can be deducted immediately regardless of the purchase price. Primary producers can also now depreciate fodder storage over three years rather than the previous depreciation period of fifty years.

PowersAccountantsSource: Powers Financial Group specialises in working with primary producers and has a team of more than 70 people working from offices in Biloela, Brisbane, Rockhampton and Monto.


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