LANDHOLDERS in New South Wales western region are being reminded of the importance of doing their homework prior to re-stocking following recent rain events.
With a majority of landholders in the Western region reducing their stock numbers in recent times due to ongoing dry conditions, many are looking to bolster their numbers after receiving rain over the last couple of months.
With the high rate of movement of stock and supplementary feeding products both on and off the farm, Western Local Land Services’ district veterinarian, Charlotte Cavanagh is urging all red meat livestock producers to keep good records and ensure the appropriate paperwork accompanies any transactions.
“It is in a landholder’s best interest in the short and long term to request a health statement for both agistment and purchased stock before they are delivered.
“These health statements can be accessed at, and your vet or stock and station agent will be able to assist you in getting this organised,” Dr Cavanagh said.
“By getting this paperwork prior to taking delivery you are ensuring you are not introducing problems which could lead to bigger headaches down the track.”
With handling, transport, cold weather and short green feed all being catalysts for stressors for livestock, particularly if they are young or pregnant, having suitable pre-transport and induction procedures in place is vital to ensuring stock remain healthy.
Landholders with questions relating to animal health should contact their nearest Local Land Services district veterinarian: Charlotte Cavanagh, Bourke, 0429 773 021 or [email protected] or Trent McCarthy, Buronga, 0437 822 012 or [email protected].
For all other general enquiries, landholders can contact their nearest Local Land Services office on
1300 795 299 or visit