These first cross ewe hoggets scanned in-lamb 140pc sold for $231 on AuctionsPlus last week.
PROCESSORS focussed on older Merino and Dohne ewes in a larger listing of sheep and lambs on AuctionsPlus last week.
AuctionsPlus market operator Hannah Kermode said 63,330 sheep and lambs were listed for sale online, 2670 more than the previous week.
First cross ewe hoggets sold to $231, Merino ewe lambs made to $195 and Merino ewes with lambs sold for up to $237.
The clearance rate after post-sale negotiations was about 55 percent, with unsold lots indicating some buyer resistance to seller reserves.
Ms Kermode said new season lamb listings continued to rise this week in the lead-up to the AuctionsPlus National Lamb Sale on August 24, with 26,047 head listed.
Merino ewe lambs under 12 months sold from $54.50 to $195 online last week, with an average price of $125. The top price was achieved by a line of 102 August-September 2017 drop mid-January shorn ewe lambs at Nhill, Victoria. The lambs weighed 45.7kgs and were mostly score 2 in condition.
Merino ewe hoggets sold for an average price of $137 and from $100 to $171. The top price as paid for 400 late February shorn unjoined 12-13 month-old ewes at Balranald, New South Wales. They weighed 41.6kgs.
Young Merino ewes sold from $81 to $160, to average $124. The top price was paid for 126 2-4 year-old mid-July shorn from Lock, South Australia, that were scanned in lamb to Suffolk rams. The ewes weighed 61.2kgs and were mostly score 3. Other proven Merino breeders averaged $93, selling from $58 up to $150 for 219 five year-old mid-July shorn ewes at Lock, South Australia. These score 4 ewes weighed 73kg and were also scanned in lamb to Suffolk rams.
Merino wethers sell to $109
Merino wether lambs sold from $37.50 to $109 online last week and averaged $68. The top price was paid for 241 April-June drop unshorn lambs at Karoonda, South Australia. The 30.8kg lambs were mostly score 2.
Merino wether hoggets were in shorter supply and sold from $70 to $143. The top price was paid for 335 early January shorn 2 year-old wethers at The Rock, New South Wales. They weighed 53kgs.
First cross ewe hoggets make $231
First cross ewe lambs sold from $100.50 to $185 on AuctionsPlus last week and averaged $142. The top price went to a line of 191 August-September 2017 drop early February shorn ewe lambs at Boorowa, New South Wales. They weighed 45kgs and were mostly score 3.
First cross ewe hoggets averaged $209 and made from $148 up to $231 from 383 11-12 month early January shorn ewes at Condah in Victoria. The score 3 ewes weighed 53.1kgs and were scanned 140pc in-lamb to White Suffolk rams.
Crossbred ewes sold to $190 for 400 12-13 month-old early July shorn unjoined Border Leicester-SAMM ewes at Nyngan, NSW. The ewes weighed 50.8kgs and mostly score 3. At Walgett in NSW, 156 22-23 month-old late July shorn unjoined White Suffolk/Merino ewes sold for $130. These ewes are 22-23 months and not station mated. A line of 642 unjoined 4 year-old mid-July shorn Dohne ewes sold for $148. These ewes weighed 71,.8kgs and were mostly score 4.
Ewes with lambs sold to a top price $237 for 167 2 year-old late-March shorn Merinos with 174 8-12 week-old Border Leicester cross lambs at Mudgee in NSW. A line of 65, 2-5 year-old White Suffolk ewes and 70 4-10 week-old White Suffolk cross lambs at Crookwell, NSW, made $220.
New season lamb highlights
Poll Dorset cross lambs, March/April ’18 drop, 32kgs lwt, $118 or 368c/kg lwt, Cargo, NSW
First cross wether lambs, March/April ’18 drop, 29kgs, $111 or 382c/kg, Parilla, SA
White Suffolk cross lambs, March/April ’18 drop, 35kgs, $110 or 314c/kg, Forbes, NSW
Poll Dorset/Merino cross lambs, Feb/March ’18 drop, 32kgs, $106 or 331c/kg, Ardlethan, NSW