
NSW Young Farmer Business Program committee seeks new blood

Sheep Central October 9, 2019

YOUNG New South Wales farmers are being invited to nominate for the state’s Young Farmer Business Program Advisory Committee.

The NSW Department of Primary Industries is calling for expressions of interest for four independent members to join its YFBPA Committee.

The four independent members will work with key young farmer and fisher stakeholder organisations to ensure the program remains relevant to its target audience as well as share fresh insights into emerging issues and industry trends.

Click here to apply or for more information. Applications close at 5 pm on Thursday, 31 October 2019.

DPI’s deputy director general of engagement and industry assistance, Brett Fifield, said the Young Farmer Business Program is a four-year initiative of the NSW Government delivered by a small team based in Dubbo.

“The program aims to improve opportunities for younger farmers and fishers to enter into, or expand their businesses and to improve connections, knowledge, skills and experience through capacity building activities and access to information.

“The advisory committee will provide support and add value to the program, which is an initiative jointly developed by the NSW Government and NSW Farmers to make a real difference to young farmers and fishers across NSW,” Mr Fifield said.

“If you are passionate about supporting the next generation of farmers and fishers, have a strong rural or business network and enjoy a challenge, then I would encourage you to submit an expression of interest.”

Young Farmer Business Program Advisory Committee members will be required to attend at least three face-to-face meetings per year in Dubbo or Sydney and participate in regular teleconferences.

Applicants will need to provide their resume and either a one page letter or a two minute video, outlining why they would like to be a part of the Young Farmer Business Program and what skills and experiences they can offer the advisory committee.

The position is until 30 June 2021 with sitting fees and expenses reimbursed. For more information about the Young Farmer Business Program click here.


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