Recent updates in modelling have delayed the most recent national feedbase summaries.
The latest feedbase summary reveals distinct regional differences across the country.
The southwest of Western Australia has experienced growth due to recent rainfall, while the eastern states show high biomass levels in cropping zones.

Imagery and analysis provided by CiboLabs
Total Standing Dry Matter
August rainfall was recorded as below average in Victoria, southern South Australia, and parts of western NSW.
These conditions are evident in the National Totals Standing Dry Matter (TSDM) image, where biomass levels are below 1200kg Dry Matter in these areas. However, central NSW and Victoria show much higher readings due to winter cropping programs.
Seasonal Comparison Total Standing Dry Matter
When compared with the seasonal conditions averaged over the past 8 years, northern Australia, including the Barkly tablelands, Gulf & Cape York, and northeast Queensland, continues to show TSDM levels well above average.
NSW, central Victoria, and parts of Tasmania are closer to the 8-year average.
However, areas like northeast Tasmania and the Bass Strait Islands are experiencing conditions well below average.
Southern Australia, along with the Pilbara and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia, also have below-average TSDM levels.
Fractional Cover (Growth)
The Fractional Cover image highlights vegetation variability across the country.
Active growth is seen in eastern NSW, Victoria, and Tasmania, even though total TSDM levels are still below desirable levels in some regions.
The bright green on the map indicates that growth is occurring, which should soon lead to increased biomass levels.
Growth is also happening across southwestern Western Australia, stretching from Geraldton southeast to the coast.
Green Total Standing Dry Matter
Green standing dry matter levels are highest in the cropping regions of NSW and Victoria, where biomass exceeds 2000kg/DM/Ha.
This high biomass stretches from the Border Rivers to the Barwon and southwest coast of Victoria.
Northern Australia, including Cape York, shows green standing dry matter levels of more than 1250kg/Ha.
Dead Standing Dry Matter
Dead standing dry matter levels remain very high across northern Australia and into central Queensland.
Large amounts of dead standing feed, exceeding 1750kg/DM/Ha, are present from the eastern Kimberley through the Northern Territory into central Queensland.
However, in the southern states, dead standing feed is sparse, with most regions recording less than 750kg/Ha.
Monthly Ground Cover levels
Ground cover levels remain high across the country, except for northern and central South Australia, and the Pilbara and Gascoyne regions of Western Australia.
Most regions have less than 20% bare ground.
For more localised information including regional level overviews, users are encouraged to explore the Cibo Labs Regional Comparison. This tool provides regional data that may show the impact of localised weather or fire events. A further level of detail for individual properties is available for users who have created an Australian Feedbase Monitor account, which can be accessed both through the MyMLA portal or through the Cibo Labs website.
The Cibo Labs National Comparison can be used to freely access these layers ( to view the most recent images from a national, state or catchment level.
This tool can complement the Australian Feedbase Monitor which can also be created within the Cibo Labs Web Site