Critical sheep management techniques for maximising reproduction are outlined in a new MLA publication – More lambs, more profit.
The new publication provides producers with a complete set of best practice management strategies to improve the reproductive efficiency of their flocks.
Lamb weaning rates have remained relatively unchanged for the past 30 years at around 80 percent of ewes joined presenting opportunity for producers to lift weaning numbers.
More lambs, more profit was originally published as Wean more lambs in 2004. It includes the latest research findings and breaks the breeding calendar into six discreet management periods in order to highlight the critical management techniques and production level targets that boost flock fertility:
- matching management to feed supply
- weaning to joining
- joining
- pregnancy
- lambing
- lambing to weaning.
MLA research extension manager – sheep, Renelle Jeffrey, said effectively managing all phases of the reproductive cycle is key to improving flock performance and maximising the number of lambs weaned.
“There are several options for producers to improve reproductive performance and in turn improve profit that have little or no additional cost.”
“With many producers now preparing for weaning and ewe condition recovery, it is important the best paddocks, for feed availability and shelter, are allocated to twin bearing ewes to ensure maximum benefit from the resources available is gained,” she said.
Download More lambs, more profit
Source: MLA
One of the best booklets ever published. Undone however by the misinformation given in LTEM as applied to crossbred ewes.