STRONG demand from restockers helped push goat prices up to $15 higher at Dubbo’s quarterly sale on Tuesday.
The Dubbo Stock and Station Agents Association said 2500 head were offered at the sale, which was heavily supported by vendors from the Mudgee, Dunedoo and Coolah regions east of Dubbo.
Queensland buyers were active seeking restockers and kill goats, and processors from as far as Camden and Deniliquin also attended the sale.
Selling agent Joe Portelli, PT Lord Dakin and Associates, Dubbo said prices improved by up to $15 on the previous sale in May.
“Boer goats were $10 to $15 better than the last sale and bush goats were $5 to $6 dearer,” he said.
“Sixty percent of the yarding was bush goats.
“There were more meat goats yarded than usual.”
Mr Portelli said quality was up, with some well-finished pens offered. Boer wethers, from six months to two years-old, made $100-$205 and averaged $150-$160.
Boer does, ranging from six months to six years-old, sold from $65-$120. Australian bush bucks averaged $86 and ranged from $35-$109. Bush nannies sold from $35-$86, averaging $68.
Dunedoo producers Harry and Maria Sourelos sold 11 bucks for $160 each and 19 wethers for $178 a head. The Smart family, Tullabrook, Trangie sold six wethers at $190 and a single buck for $180.
A lack of quality goats available on the private market encouraged buyer Phillip Foxman to attend the Dubbo sale. Mr Foxman, from Camden, put together a mixed draft of about 320 head, including breeders and meat goats.
“Boers were expensive but the quality was very good.
“I usually buy privately but haven’t been able to source as many lately,” he said.
Eastern states’ goat slaughter behind 2017 levels
Meat & Livestock Australia last week said eastern states goat slaughter remained below year-ago levels. Almost 22,000 goats were killed in the first week of August, less than half of those slaughtered in the same period last year. Year-to-date slaughter numbers are down 24pc compared to 2017, MLA said.
Australia’s major goat processing states last year — Victoria and South Australia — have experienced the biggest declines year-on-year. In Victoria, 24pc fewer goats, or 109,606 head, were slaughtered in the year-to-date, and 109,172 were processed in South Australia, 42pc less. The only state registering an increase in goat slaughter was Queensland — up 4pc year-on-year – MLA said.
Goat meat exports to US decline 13pc
MLA said Australian goat meat exports have followed the seasonal trend so far this year, with a decline in winter, although volumes are slightly lower than the five-year average. Exports to Australia’s largest market, the United States, have declined 13pc year-on-year for July. Shipments to Australia’s other main goat meat export markets — Taiwan, Canada and South Korea — remained relatively steady year-on-year in July, MLA said.
Sources: MLA, Dubbo Stock and Station Agents Assoc.