Fast food for sheep and cattle will be on the menu at a pasture update seminar in Stawell this month.
The Perennial Pasture Systems group is combining with the Grassland Society of Southern Australia to present the MLA Pasture Update at Stawell on Tuesday, March 24.
The seminar is titled `fast food’ and will provide information to assist in filling the feed gaps after the tough spring and summer in the region. It aims to give the region’s farmers and agricultural businesses an insight into new research and technologies.
Improved pasture technology focus
The seminar will feature a series of guest speakers to highlight improved pasture technologies.
Meridian Ag consultant Andrew Speirs will present the latest knowledge on gibberellic acid to increase winter growth in perennial grasses, and Ralph Behrendt from Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources at Hamilton and David Brady from Landmark Ararat will discuss research into using canola for grazing.
The use of grazing cereals will be the topic for Simon Falkiner, who will present information from the Grain and Graze II project.
The planting of annual ryegrasses and forage crops for quick feed will be covered by Tim Brown from AGF Seeds and Michael Grant from Stephen Pasture Seeds, and Linda Hygate will bring producers up to date with the latest research projects funded by MLA.
To end the seminar all speakers will join a panel discussion to answer any questions regarding fast feed for the coming year.
Update will be invaluable for livestock producers
PPS president Paul Harrington said the pasture update would be valuable for anyone involved in sheep or cattle production.
Mr Harrington said all speakers would provide valuable information to help overcome the tough time that the region’s farms have had in the past few months. .
“It is great that MLA is bringing the latest research out to groups like PPS and the Grassland Society and that we have been able to join forces to arrange such a top line up of speakers. We are also pleased to have the support of the Northern Grampians Shire in assisting with the venue for the event,” he said.
The grassland society co-ordinates the MLA Pasture Update series in southern Australia and has invited PPS to host the seminar at the Stawell Town Hall on Tuesday March 24 as a late afternoon and evening event.
First of six pasture updates planned for 2015
Grassland Society of Southern Australia president James Whale said the update aimed to encourage improved pasture growth, production and grazing technology, and to help producers to achieve the most out of pastures and crops to increase animal production.
It is part of a series of six pasture updates planned for this year to raise awareness of research outputs from MLA and partners, showcase producers who have made successful on-farm changes and highlight improved pasture technologies.
The seminar will start at 4pm at the Stawell Town Hall and includes a light dinner. Cost is $20 per person.
For further information or to book a seat contact PPS Project Manager Rob Shea on 0438 521357 or [email protected], or Grassland Society Secretary Melinda Caspersz on 1300 137 550 or email [email protected]
Sources: Perennial Pasture Systems Group, Grassland Society of Southern Australia, Meat and Livestock Australia