Australian Wool Innovation Limited (AWI) has announced its annual Call for Proposals for on-farm and off-farm research and development (R&D) projects.
AWI invests grower levies and matching Government funds in research, development and marketing (RD&M) programs across the woolsupply chain, aimed at enhancing profitability, international competitiveness and sustainability of the Australian wool industry, and to increase demand and market access for Australian wool.
With the wool industry ending 2017 on record high wool price, AWI says the appeal of investment and innovation in the industry continues to increase.
AWI General Manager of Research, Jane Littlejohn, said AWI’s on-farm research strategy has reached its mid-point and AWI is looking for full project proposals to round off its investment into the 2019 Financial Year.
“Additionally, AWI is always interested in concepts from researchers that might inform AWI investments in a future strategic period,” she said.
One successful project from the 2017 round of proposals is looking at sheep ectoparasite resistance. The objective of the project is to determine the insecticide resistance profiles of the two major ectoparasites of the wool industry, the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, and the sheep body louse Bovicola ovis. This three-year project is now underway with the final report projected for publishing late 2019.
AWI has created a comprehensive table to help applicants identify the type of projects it would like to invest in – to view the table on the AWI website click here.
AWI said project applications must address AWI’s strategic priorities and programs in its Strategic Plan.
Research portfolios include:
1. Sheep Production
Sheep Health & Welfare
Vertebrate Pests
Genetic Improvement
Farm Automation & Software Development
Feedbase & Eco-credentials
Fibre Advocacy
2. Woolgrower Services
Sheep & Wool Management Skills
Wool Harvesting & Quality Preparation
3. Processing Innovation & Education Extension
Product & Processing Innovation
When submitting proposals for 2018/19 funding, applicants should use the main Project Proposal Response Form (OR the Shearer Training Proposal Response Form and Shearer Training Budget Breakdown attachment if applicable).
Applicants are requested to submit a full proposal by 12pm, Friday February 16, 2018.
Applicants should email proposals to [email protected] or post them to:
Call for Project Proposals 2017/18
Australian Wool Innovation Limited
GPO Box 4177
Sydney 2001
Source: AWI