
AuctionsPlus sheep offerings increase in poor season

Sheep Central April 16, 2018

These three year-old first cross ewes scanned in-lamb to White Suffolk rams sold for $215.50 on AuctionsPlus at Ceres in Victoria last week.

ONLINE sheep offerings on AuctionsPlus lifted by 70 percent across Australia last week, with increased listings in all states except Western Australia.

Agents offered 47,485 sheep and lambs online last week, up from 28,000.

Despite the poor season, New South Wales and Victoria provided most of the successful buyers.

AuctionsPlus said interstate interest in the Queensland offering was strong, with local buyers competing with Victorian and South Australian buyers. Buying activity in the remaining states was predominantly local with much of the offerings to remain in their home state.

Merino ewe sell-off in NSW

Merino ewes and lambs were well-represented online last week, with 14,697 head listed and about 72pc of these came from NSW. Despite larger Merino ewe numbers, demand was strong with clearance up on other stock categories.

Merino ewe lamb prices eased, averaging $117 and reaching a top of $148. This was paid for a line rising one year-old ewes weighing 47kg lwt with a 5cm fleece at Balranald in NSW. A line of 810 rising one year-old ewes weighing 46kgs with a 1cm fleece sold for $127.50 at Warren, NSW.

Young Merino breeders sold stronger; from $100-$186 to average $142, with lines of scanned in-lamb ewes boosting this average. The top price was paid a small line of 1.5 year-old bare shorn ewes scanned in-lamb to White Suffolk rams and weighing 57kg at Coomandook, SA.

Proven Merino ewes were well-represented, but mixed in quality, and sold from $67-$170 to average $127. The top price was paid for a line of large frame 69kg four year-old ewes with a 4cm fleece scanned in-lamb to White Suffolk rams at Young, NSW.

Merino wether offering doubles

The online Merino wether offering almost doubled to 11,834 head last week, assisted by several large offerings in Queensland. Clearance rates increased to 62pc.

Merino wether lambs averaged $92 and sold to $114.50 for 680 7-8 month-old lambs weighing 38kgs at Thallon, QLD. This line was part of a larger 2040 head offering sold in three lots which averaged $113 to a Victorian buyer. Another 1120 Merino wethers at Longreach made $75.50. These were 9-13 months-old, mostly with milk teeth, and averaged 31kgs with a 1cm fleece. At Cootamundra, a smaller line of 8-9 month-old 46kg Merino lambs sold for $110. A line of 385 16-18 month-old Merino wethers weighing 39kgs at Skipton in Victoria made $71.

First cross ewes scarce

First cross ewes were in short supply again this week, slipping to an offering of 3164 head from New South Wales and Victoria. Despite this small offering, supply outstripped buyer willingness to pay and the clearance was significantly down on other stock categories. An average of $159 was recorded across lots sold, reaching a top of $215.50 for a small line of three year-old ewes scanned in-lamb to White Suffolk rams weighing 76kgs at Ceres in Victoria.  Another small line of 20-22 month-old first cross ewes, weighing 64kgs and joined to Poll Dorset rams at Streatham in Victoria, sold for $175.

Store lamb highlights

Coolalee/Merino lambs, 35kg, $95, October ‘17 drop, Thallon, QLD

First cross mixed sex lambs, 39kg, $117, July/Aug ‘17 drop, Walgett, NSW

White Suffolk/Merino mixed sex lambs, 38kg, $116, Sep/Oct ‘17 drop, Nevertire, NSW

White Suffolk/ Merino mixed sex lambs, 46kg, $133.50, Aug/Sep ‘17 drop, Trangie, NSW

White Suffolk/ Merino mixed sex lambs, 40kg, $121.50, Aug/Sep ‘17 drop, Gilgandra, NSW

Poll Dorset cross lambs, 38kg, $122, July/Aug ‘17 drop, Cootamundra, NSW

Poll Dorset cross lambs, 38kg, $122, September ‘17 drop, Bombala, NSW

Poll Dorset cross lambs, 41kg, $125, Aug/Sep ‘17 drop, Minjah, VIC

Source: AuctionsPlus.


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